Academical integrity

At, we strive to contribute to improved and personalized education for all students. We believe our services help students improve their knowledge and understanding of specific materials and subjects.

The following text will explain how we provide our services to correlate with principles of academic integrity.

Our service cannot directly influence the way our customers use the product we deliver. At the same time, we notify them and recommend how to use our services correctly.

Academical integrity

Memo for Students

Students should use our service only in a way that corresponds to the Honor Code of their educational institution and follow the principles of academic integrity.

The papers you receive from our service can be used in the following ways:

  • Acquire ideas and concepts presented in the paper to understand the topic better.
  • Understand requirements after reading a draft of a prepared paper written in correspondence with those requirements.
  • Use the paper plan and structure for your future research.
  • Look through the works cited list and examine the full text of those works to understand the issue better.
  • Analyze the logical structure of the ideas presented in the sample paper and use it as a basis for your own text.
  • Improve your knowledge by processing new viewpoints, terms, and concepts and decide how you can apply them in your own investigations.

Below is our Privacy Policy, which incorporates and clarifies these principles.

Our writers don’t support cheating, plagiarism, and violations of academic integrity. If the paper is used illegally (e.g., a student submits a sample paper as their own work), students will be responsible for the actions and possible consequences.

Memo for Freelance Writers

Our service provides great conditions for academic writers to assist students with various academic assignments. As a writer, we expect you to adhere to the principles of academic honesty:

  • Don’t fabricate information and create fake statistics, quotes, and any other data.
  • Avoid preparing texts that the student plans to submit as their own work.
  • Don’t pass any type of online tests and exams in the place of other students.
Our philosophy is to ensure that students are equipped with professional academic assistance and keep up with the general rules of academic honesty and integrity. We will continue to spread and adhere to the principles of academic integrity for the global educational community.

Social Responsibility

At Bid4Papers, we care about the quality of students’ education, safety, and security. That’s why our company has limited the themes and issues that can be ordered on our website. We believe that such restrictions will prevent our customers from inappropriate use of materials and unthoughtful decisions that may cause harm to students or other people.

Our system automatically cancels orders on controversial topics that refer to gay marriage and abortion. If your order requires our writers to express their position for or against the listed issues, we won’t commence the work.

Our moral compass

Avoiding exam cheating doesn’t assist with online educational tests and exams of any form. We believe that it is the sole responsibility of every student to complete such tasks and is the reflection of their knowledge level obtained during the course.

Avoiding fabrication of information

Our writers use only proven sources of information and publications. If you have noticed that the writer has used non-existing ideas, contact us.

Avoiding plagiarism

Papers produced by our writers are created on individual request and serve as good examples of academic papers. We use proper citations, so students can see how to avoid plagiarism in essays.

Avoiding contract cheating and impersonation

Our service is not a source of ready-made papers that students can submit as their own work. We offer examples that students can use for various educational purposes.