Writing an International Relations Essay: Tips for Success
Writing a research paper on such topics is difficult for university students and experienced political scientists. Many factors must be considered, relationships between countries must be analyzed, and the most critical information must be selected from dozens of sources.
An essay about political situation in the world consists of several components. These are obligatory elements of the structure, thanks to which the audience will highly appreciate the research paper.
Table of Contents:
1.Strategies for Gathering Relevant and Reliable Sources
2.Analyzing and Addressing Diverse Viewpoints
3.Utilizing Real-Life Examples
4.Considering Policy Implications
5.Editing, Proofreading, and Ensuring Clarity
6.Engaging and Current International Relations Paper Topics
Strategies for Gathering Relevant and Reliable Sources
When writing a research paper, you should operate with facts and real evidence and not use your speculation. Having chosen an international relations topic, it is necessary to proceed to the selection of reliable and verified sources of information.
This process is not always easy. Because with a deep dive into the research, there is a risk of spending too much time on things that are not the most important.
At the very beginning, all the project stages should be thought through. The very important is the introduction. It should interest the reader from the first seconds. It contains the following information:
- the theme of the essay and the rationale for its relevance in today’s world. It is necessary to consider the factor of globalization and interaction between states. The closer the topic is to real life, the more exciting and valuable it is;
- justification of choice. You need to make the strongest arguments about why your international relation essay is worthy of attention. This does not mean you can’t write about events from the past. But ideally, it is worth linking them to the current political situation in the world;
The next component is the source data block, which has these features:
- providing background information on a particular event, a brief overview of the historical context;
- presentation of all parties involved in the political processes in question;
- an overview of the theoretical framework will be used to examine the topic further. Studying current trends in international relations beforehand is worthwhile so that when writing politics topics essay, you can operate with current information.
It is worth noting that the continuation of this publication will examine each of the components in detail. The following structural element is the block of argumentation and analysis. It should disclose the following aspects:
- providing solid arguments that support the previously stated central thesis of the publication;
- using real-life examples that demonstrate the validity of your claims. The depth of your analysis is a direct indication of how well-versed you are in your chosen topic;
- compare the opposing sides, their interests, and political, economic, and social dynamics.
For a total consideration of all possible issues in international relations, you should evaluate alternative viewpoints rather than presenting your position exclusively.
Be sure to use several sources of information. This will increase the credibility of your text and indicate the depth of your analysis of the topic. Study real documents and transcripts of speeches of politicians. And after that, pay attention to secondary sources. This approach ensures that the research paper will be argumentative and objective, as different points of view will be considered.
You should also be critical of the resources you use and assess their credibility. Reading the authors’ brief biography is advisable to understand their position and interest.
Provide a list of counterarguments that could refute your evidence for the thesis statement. Carefully analyze their potential impact on the events in question.
An essential component of an essay on international relations is a concluding section. It contains the following elements:
- summarize all the material presented. It is necessary to select the most valuable points of the publication concerning the central thesis, argumentation, and analysis;
- suggesting ways of solving the problem. The topic may be relevant and require further scientific discussion. Make a list of issues that should be considered in the future to investigate the topic more deeply;
- on a separate page, publish a list of all the sources used in writing the essay. These can be books, documentaries, and copies of current international treaties.
Pay attention to validation. All quotations must be accurate. Paraphrasing is allowed only if the context is maintained.
The above components are generally accepted. However, much depends not only on the chosen topic but also on the supervisor’s preferences. Before you start writing, you should have a good understanding of what is politics essay and consult with your teacher. This will save a lot of time in the future and avoid possible mistakes.
It is necessary to carefully plan all actions at this stage, to introduce a limit on the number of sources. For example, there can be no more than ten. Remember that after collecting information, you will still have to analyze all the data to consider different points of view.
All resources related to political science can be divided into primary and secondary. Already from the names, it is clear that the primary sources provide us with first-hand information. They include books by various authors, research papers, and historical documents.
Secondary sources take primary data as a basis, analyze it and interpret it. As a result, the information can be partially changed and presented under a different angle of perception. Prominent examples of such resources are newspaper articles, scientific reviews, and documentaries.
When writing international relations essays, you should not trust the words spoken in an interview by someone far from understanding the political situation. You definitely should not use the opinion of your neighbor or even your best friend as a source.
First, you should make a list of resources where you can find answers to your questions. Let this list be no more than twenty items. After more in-depth consideration of the topic, their number will be reduced by at least half.
The following table will consider essential recommendations for selecting reliable sources.
Advice | Application |
Use popular magazines and newspapers | Choose at least five reputable print publications covering critical international events for decades. Look for relevant publications, pay attention to their authors, and then look for similar content. |
Use academic databases | Many free resources on the Internet provide access to an extensive database of scientific publications on political topics. One of the most valuable sources is Google Scholar. |
Find themed books | Such works are often written by professors who head the international relations department in any reputable university. You can also find the books you need in the libraries of educational institutions in your city. And if you have online access, finding the publication you need on the Internet won’t be too difficult. |
Visit the websites of governmental and international organizations | You can find much relevant information and valuable documents, which will become a reliable primary source. The most important thing is to check the reliability of the resource and the publication’s author, as it is not uncommon for erroneous data to be published on such pages. |
Study the reports of think tanks and research institutes. | Often, such organizations publish monthly reports with reports on international relations. You may find something valuable for your essay. |
It is essential to evaluate each resource you find critically. If it is a secondary source, check the primary information. You need to consider the authority of the authors, journals, and websites you use to search for data.
Your international relations topics essay may just be gathering dust in your teacher’s locker, who won’t even bother to read it. But if the research paper ends up in the right hands and is written correctly, it can be an essential step for self-development and improving skills.
Analyzing and Addressing Diverse Viewpoints
After selecting sources of information, you should move on to the next writing stage. It is necessary to explore different points of view, to make a comprehensive analysis as if you are defending the interests of each party involved in the event in question.
If you want to know how to write an international relations essay, please pay special attention to this part of the research paper. Here are the fundamental strategies you can use for analysis:
- make a list of all possible points of view. Then examine the theoretical framework that can be used to support it;
- evaluate bias. You need to evaluate viewpoints in context. Because economic, social, and other factors may influence the opinion of the author of the publication, which will affect the objectivity of the inference;
- compare all arguments. Find commonalities, significant differences, and reasons for disagreement among the parties involved in international relations;
- maintain a balance. By no means accept someone else’s point of view when writing essays on international relations. It is worth keeping the golden mean, considering only credible arguments and discarding all false facts and speculations;
- take into account the counterarguments of each side. Criticize each argument, and try to understand it. Such opinions can be used in a research paper if they are valid. Otherwise, weak arguments should be discarded, and don’t waste time on them;
- use critical thinking. There is no need to believe other people’s statements mindlessly. Try to assess the pros and cons of each argument, find all the contradictory points, and determine the cause-effect relationship. If there are any weaknesses in the evidence of the parties, you must also take them into account;
- group points of view. You should combine several similar arguments. This will allow a more comprehensive study and save a lot of time. To do this, you need to find all the points of convergence, providing relevant facts and evidence in the paper;
- be sure to consider possible ethical implications. Each opinion may be relevant to human equality and social justice issues. Some of the approaches contradict moral and ethical principles. It is worth refraining from using such viewpoints in your research.
At this unit’s end, publish conclusions addressing the impact of different perspectives on international relations. Talk about all the possible implications, attaching the evidence from the analysis.
Utilizing Real-Life Examples
Use several examples in a realism international relations essay to clarify your chosen topic and give readers more relevant information. The following recommendations will help you choose the best options to improve the quality of your research paper:
- select at least three real-life examples directly related to the events in question. Ideally, use up-to-date information related to the impact of various factors on international relations;
- consider the experiences of different regions to emphasize the global nature of the processes. You can talk about essential negotiation processes and decision-making that had a significant impact on the international situation;
- analyze the consequences of the actions of governmental and non-governmental organizations to understand the extent of their impact on the global community;
- identify all participants in the events in question and point out their role in the context of the essay topic;
- describe the negotiation processes and the debates between politicians and diplomats. Assess the consequences of the decisions made;
- use statistics, survey results, and other numerical information in a graphical representation. Readers much better understand charts and other visual evidence and indicate a high degree of professionalism in the study of the topic;
- combine the theoretical basis of the essay with real-life examples to show a clear connection between the arguments presented and historical events.
Using real-life examples will make the text more concrete, detailed, and understandable to teachers or supervisors.
Considering Policy Implications
No one would argue with the assertion that politics has a significant impact on international relations. Therefore, it is recommended that the essay focus on such aspects:
- power dynamics. Show how political power has changed within a country and international organizations. Analyze the consequences of such changes;
- the diplomatic component. It is also essential to consider the outcome of negotiations and the results of agreements signed between countries and blocs. It is also essential to consider the strategic interests of each party involved in the diplomatic process;
- the influence of political ideology. Today, most countries profess liberalism. But some states use conservative ideologies that do not consider the protection of human rights. All this has an impact on the global situation;
- national interests. Considering this topic will make it possible to understand why politicians make certain decisions, what considerations they are guided by, and what consequences they may lead to.
Examining this critical topic in a liberalism international relations essay ensures a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between politics and global things. This analysis helps to make sense of the motivations, interests, and power dynamics that shape the outcomes of various political interactions.
Editing, Proofreading, and Ensuring Clarity
Since a high grade or career advancement may depend on the results of the academic paper, special attention should be paid to the final correction of the text.
It is necessary to reread the essay several times. This should be done on different days to make the evaluation more objective. Some parts of the text seem too challenging to grasp. Try to clarify such places by removing unnecessary sentences and adding more practical examples and statistical data.
Pay attention to proper attribution when writing an academic paper. If citations are used, you should create a separate page at the end of the paper with all sources, authors, and page numbers in MLA format.
Engaging and Current International Relations Paper Topics
Choosing an interesting topic can be quite a challenge. It is recommended to consult with the supervisor, who can provide a list of international relation topics. Preference should be given to current events to avoid spending too much time searching for sources. The following table presents fascinating options that may help you choose a topic.
Topic 1 | Topic 2 |
Why China’s economic development benefits the United States. | The role of artificial intelligence in shaping new political ideologies. |
The Global Migration Crisis: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions to Related Problems. | How Climate Change Affects International Security. |
The emergence of populism and its destructive effect on the existing world order. | Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Assessing Current Threats and Prospects for International Security. |
The geopolitical ambitions of the Republic of China and their impact on the favorable climate in international relations. | The role of terrorist organizations and transnational corporations in shaping an insecure global environment. |
You can also find many international relations essay examples online that will help you figure out the proper structure and be a source of exciting ideas. The main thing is to choose relevant topics that will be useful to readers and will not be problematic in finding sources of information. Remember you can always get instant ‘write my paper for me‘ assistance at our website Bid4Papers.com