How to Write a Outstanding Essay Title

August 8th, 2023

Elements of an Effective Essay Title

Often students, for the first time faced with writing an essay, can fall into bewilderment because it is necessary to come up with a title for the entire research paper. You haven’t even started writing yet, but you are already very worried and can’t think of a beginning. So how to continue your work and successfully hand it in?

Cover to the article: How to Write a Outstanding Essay Title

In our material, Bid4Papers experts and authors will tell you what essay titles should be and what distinguishes good titles from bad ones. You will no longer create fake, confusing, or even too dull titles because you will be able to apply several valuable strategies. These are what we are going to tell you about now!

What Makes a Great Essay Title?

The first thing to realize is that the heading on an essay is a crucial part of creating any research paper. At the very least, your classmates or professor will see this first. That is, the general atmosphere of the work is set right now, and therefore it’s essential not to miss this moment and make the most of it.

The title should state both the chosen topic and the idea or position taken. It is an informative part of your writing that can carry an emotional or aesthetic undertone.

Here are some basic types:

  • aesthetic. The most challenging option is because it requires some preparation. The main goal is to arouse the reader’s pleasure from reading just the headline. You kind of show with this what will be expected next for the person;
  • emotional. In this case, your task will be to create an emotional connection between your research paper and the reader. You should give such information that will arouse interest, outrage, agreement, or other vivid emotions. Sometimes even anger can be a great emotion to start your research paper;
  • informative. This option involves showing the reader the author’s opinion in general terms. From the first seconds, you deepen the reader into the topic and give him a position to help him understand the text’s essence. Including you can tell, in this case, about the ideas that will appear in the texts.

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It is also important to realize that the title of essay cannot accurately describe all the research work done. You need to get some connection with your readers, and based on that, you need to maximize their interest from the first minute. You’ll also be able to utilize various techniques like quotes, idioms, or examples. These can help you create the right first impression and evoke just the right emotion.

The question of how to title an essay can be answered: you must do everything possible to make the reader want to read your research paper in full after reading it. In this case, you will get precisely what you want, and you will be able to advance further, getting the necessary points from the teacher.

In this regard, several good ideas can help you create a headline relevant to the topic and provide helpful information to your readers. In this case, you are more likely to succeed in creating a valuable and truthful title, which readers appreciate most. Here are five handy guidelines:

  • not boring. It is important to stay excited and not try to convince readers with dry facts that your scientific work is worth their time. Here a lot depends on the chosen topic because sometimes it is hard to get interested from the first seconds. If you feel like yawning while reading it, then the title needs to be changed;
  • truthful. In this respect, everything is simple because you can not deceive your readers. It will only lead to negative consequences and make you look like a fraud in their eyes. You also won’t be able to keep your readers on your essay long enough if you try to entice them with an overly provocative headline. Try to take something exciting out of your topic or position, but stay real and talk about it in your paper;
  • active. Your authorial opinion should be considered fully authoritative, allowing you to gain your readers’ trust. This is why using verbs in the active collateral form is recommended. Such a simple fly hack will allow you to significantly improve the title of your scientific work and immediately convince readers that it will be helpful and exciting and that your opinion on the matter is authoritative. This is the only way to write a good title for a essay;
  • concise. The title can never look like a whole paragraph because this brings boredom and shows that you do not know what you have written a research paper about. A simple tip is to break down your big headline into a few main thoughts several times. You can already collect their correct, concise, and easy-to-read versions. You need to keep your attention for a short time, not for a small abstract in the headline;
  • comfortable. An essential quality of an author is correctly assessing your audience and speaking the same language as them. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve much more and get a positive response in the shortest possible time. It is recommended not to use overly complicated words or terms that the reader does not need without explanation. You should tell in simple language what the readers are waiting for next.

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The easiest way to test yourself is to match your title to all five criteria. If you can get the maximum match, consider that the task is done as well as possible. Remember that your research paper should fully meet the title so you don’t deceive your readers. You can only get negative reviews if they don’t get what they came for.

To give a good sample, our experts suggested that we suggest you look at popular videos on YouTube. You wouldn’t want the title too shocking, and the video didn’t have anything interesting to say, right? In this case, your expectations exceed reality, and you will be disappointed after watching it. This is an example of a wrong title. You need to avoid such mistakes at employment.

At the same time, if the video title is intriguing enough but still valid, you will get precisely what you expect. Because of this, your expectations are the same as the reality. The blogger gets more views and increases viewer retention. And essay titles examples look similar. As a research paper writer, you can increase reader retention similarly. After all, if the professor does not even read your paper to the end, how will they be able to appreciate it.

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Different Approaches to Creating Essay Title

In most cases, creating essay title requires you to choose a certain approach and style, which are usually categorized by guidelines. Three pieces are the most frequently used and popular among education institutions. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to maximize the response among both readers and teachers. The main thing in advance is to ask your supervisor which style is best for you. So you can not make a mistake and get almost guaranteed to get the correct result. The following table will help you to understand everything.

Format MLA In this case, you should center the title on the page and write using uppercase. In this case, every word should start with a capital letter, apart from a few exceptions. We will talk about them further on. At the same time, the first and even the last word should always be capitalized, no matter what kind of words they are. Also, the style gives specific recommendations for highlighting the title in italics or underlining. It is also possible to put the title in quotation marks, depending on the author’s preferences.
Format APA This format is considered stricter because it assumes a maximum headline length of only 12 words. Because of this, it is necessary to approach writing as concisely and originally as possible so you do not get into trouble. It is necessary to speak directly and honestly, do not use figurative words. The format is most often used in technical topics or professional letters. It is also necessary to centralize your headlines on the page so that it is convenient for readers to pay attention to them immediately.
Chicago Format It is essential in this case to use uppercase to write your headings. Here the author is given much more freedom, thanks to which the student can write a unique and exciting headline. The main rule is that there are no rules except that you need to use a particular case. Otherwise, it is up to the author to think about how exactly to create the title.

The rules may seem complicated at first glance because nothing is scary about them. You can use each option without problems and get the most positive response from students and teachers. But, wondering how to write a title for my essay, you must realize that you can choose only one format. Consult your supervisor, and he will give you a suitable answer.

Techniques for Generating Unique Title for Essay

When wondering how to write essay titles, you should realize that there are various options for approaching the task and getting the correct result. However, you will always have a specific structure to your title when doing so. Some certain norms and standards will help you do your job correctly and create an excellent essay title.

Here are a few of the most essential fundamentally necessary rules in creating a title that is guaranteed to help you get the job done right:

  • subject. Give your readers a hint of your chosen topic or position in the title. Thanks to this, you will immediately be able to arouse interest and prepare your readers for further information;
  • capital letter. Usually, all words are capitalized; it is just an accepted norm and practice. Thanks to this, you will also be able to emphasize certain things. With a small letter, various secondary elements like conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, or even articles are written;
  • conservative approach. Try to stop while writing and leave it as it is. Superfluous formatting can significantly degrade the visual perception of the headline. That’s why Bid4Papers experts recommend not using unnecessary colors or other fonts;
  • the headline can be written at the end. Writing the title at the end of your research paper is a good idea. That is when you have already fully understood the topic and can be fully confident of where exactly the readers were led in the course of the narrative;
  • do not forget about subheadings. It’s essential to use several different additional subheadings as you write. Use this tool to emphasize and separate information. This makes it much easier for readers to digest.

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Thanks to such simple rules and recommendations, you can effectively use title ideas for essays and get a positive result on the bottom line. The main thing is to use the information given to you correctly and to put it into practice in time, and not to forget about the recommendations we gave before. All thanks to the fact that some headings give the title of the topic and others refute it. You should evoke a specific emotional spectrum in your readers to get their attention and give a thread along which they will read your work.

Among other things, create an essay title can also be done using different headings. Each of them can affect your progression through the paper in a certain way. That is, some are built to convince readers of something. On the contrary, others are meant to evoke emotion by simply describing an idea or opinion. Here are the different types of headlines that differ in the tone of their narrative, which creates a unique atmosphere in each research paper:

  • descriptive. The easiest option for most research papers. Briefly describe the people, phenomena, or things in your research paper. In this case, you can additionally add statistics to increase the effectiveness of such a title;
  • persuasive. A headline should primarily convince the reader of a particular point of view on the issue. And this means that you need to prove your authority as well. Your information mustn’t contradict, in this case, all the material and real data; double-check your sources;
  • explanatory. This option is necessary to immediately give your readers valuable information, figures, recommendations, and other data. Think about what exactly your scientific work will be able to help everyone who reads it;
  • narrative. You will often apply the scientific work of personal experience or knowledge of the issue. In this case, you can speak to readers in one language and immediately show authority in the chosen topic or position taken;
  • problematic. Such a variant attracts the most attention and causes fierce discussions. The main trick is that the author points to the problem, its solution, or inaction. The problem should primarily affect readers’ feelings, allowing you to create an emotional connection before reading the material.

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The title itself should reflect the whole style of writing a research paper, thanks to which the reader can get the maximum amount of helpful information and use it in the future. That is, the following experience from reading can be adjusted at the very beginning of your statement, which is a great practice and helps to manipulate readers’ emotions. Therefore, in an essay or other research paper, writers must understand the style and tone of the written text to create the proper titles because this isn’t an interview.

Also, the authors of Bid4Papers want to discuss an important rule that students sometimes miss, leading to specific problems. Your title should be related to the thesis statement because it states the main idea. This means the title should not contradict the thesis because it immediately causes distrust in your research paper. It is recommended to double-check whether they are connected in the beginning and in case of problems to correct this point. This is often the case if the author is engaged in creating the title already after writing the text.

Remember that interesting essay titles always contain the information readers need, which will be relevant throughout the article. This means that if your tone of narration gradually changed as you went deeper into the scientific material, you should not forget to change the title or thesis itself.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing an Essay Title

A unique title for an essay is often created according to one of two basic principles. Here they are:

  • before you start writing. In this case, you can push your work forward, as you will write the first words immediately. This method works well if you know the topic perfectly and are ready to start writing right away;
  • after writing a research paper. This option is considered more accessible because after you finish, you already know exactly what path you have chosen and the position you have taken. You will also, at this point, have already read several studies and will be fully knowledgeable about the topic.

Both options are valid, and you can choose the one you are most comfortable with. Try to come up with a headline from the beginning and thus make it easier for yourself to write. And after the completion, create more creative titles for papers and try them already. Choose the best option, and you will get the maximum score!

Thanks to the Internet, if it does not work out, you can always ask for paper help from Bid4Papers authors, who guarantee the maximum quality of the title and the entire research paper. The requirements will be fulfilled 100%, thanks to which you can save time and do something useful. In any case, we wish you good luck with your writing.

Analyzing Poems in Essays: Outlining, Templates, and Structural Tips

July 28th, 2023

Every poet puts a certain meaning into their work. Literary experts pay special attention to the study of such topics. And writing a poetry analysis paper is an important part of the study. Let’s analyze all the subtleties and tips for writing such an analysis.

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Understanding the Art of Analyzing Poems in Essays

Teachers at institutions of higher learning also instruct their students to dive deep into the meaning of poems. This allows them to understand exactly what the author wanted to say, what thoughts to convey to readers. A line-by-line analysis helps to understand the structure of the work, the writing style, and the subject matter.

Analyzing poetry requires a deep understanding of the art form and the images the poet uses. This will allow you to discover hidden meanings that do not lie on the surface.

Repeated reading of a poem does not always yield the expected result. Sometimes you need to take the extra time to study the author’s biography. It should deal with the author’s mood and his position in life. This is reflected in the creative work and significantly affects the enclosed meaning.

Understanding the art of poetry analysis essay includes consideration of the following elements:

  • structure. The sequence of the narrative, line breaks, and semantic pauses all affect the process of perception;
  • rhythm. The author places accents in a certain way to hint to readers the importance of a particular line;
  • theme. One must consider the imagery used in the work to get closer to understanding the meaning and theme.

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One must be able to read between the lines to see hidden metaphors and analyze the text more deeply. After reading a poem for the first time, it is common to get the impression that the author is just talking about the world around him.

Perhaps he was looking out the window, and what he saw motivated him to write the poetry. But after careful research, it becomes clear that there is more behind the simple landscape description.

Writing essays on such topics is often more challenging than conducting a scholarly research paper. That’s why students often turn to the authors of Bid4Papers for paper writing help.

If you have enough free time, you can thoroughly study the chosen topic and write a high-quality essay. The teacher will appreciate it and become important in disclosing your analytical potential.

Selecting a Topic for Your Poetry Analysis Essay

Poetry has many directions, forms, and genres. Being immersed in the fascinating world of diversity discourages many students who need to do research. However, it allows you to expand your creativity and develop your poetry-writing skills. If you want to develop in this field, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of topic for analyzing poetry essay. Here are some recommendations that will help you:

  • it is worth understanding that the discipline is quite broad, and there may be many controversial points in the future. Therefore, it is better not to generalize and choose the work of a particular poet. And it is better to dwell on a certain period of his biography. So it will be easier to understand the context and find the hidden meaning in the poems;
  • do not forget about your interest in the topic. Otherwise, writing an essay about poetry will turn into a boring process, the result of which will not be entirely satisfactory;
  • ask your supervisor for advice. If you can’t decide, the professor will share useful information and suggest some ideas.

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Some students find writing essays on general topics unrelated to a particular author or poem much easier. You can find numerous poetry analysis essay examples online that will be a source of information. We also recommend that you pay attention to the following potential topics:

  1. The Role of Nature in Romantic Poetry. You can choose several poems from the Romantic era and analyze how they depict natural phenomena and what images the authors use to convey their experiences.
  2. Social and political commentary in poetry. Many poets use artwork to make a point about the current situation in society. They talk about political issues and criticize specific people for their wrong decisions. Special techniques and hidden context can be used to do this.
  3. Love and relationships in poetry. You should choose several thematic poems from different periods to analyze how emotions are conveyed. Analyze the author’s metaphors that help you better understand romantic relationships.
  4. Poetic techniques in the works of different authors. Quite an interesting idea for writing an essay. You should analyze the images and techniques that contribute to the effect.
  5. Wars and international conflicts. To write essays analyzing poems, it is necessary to select at least five works devoted to this difficult topic.
  6. Evolution of Poetry. Quite an extensive study that will help you reach your full potential. Analyze how writing styles, forms, and structures evolved in different time periods. Identify the factors that influenced meaning.

Once again, note that you need to take the choice of topic very seriously. It affects not only the time you spend but also the quality of your work.

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Creating a Poem Analysis Essay Outline

To get a good grade and increase your credibility in the eyes of your instructor, you need to use the right structure when writing a research paper. You should begin by composing a poetry analysis outline, which consists of the following components:

  • introduction. One extensive paragraph, which contains the title of the poem, the name of its author, and some information about the history of writing this work, is enough;
  • the main part. In it, you need to analyze all aspects and cause-and-effect relationships;
  • conclusion. Tell about the main idea of the poem and what meaning the author put into his lines.

It is necessary to use a systematic approach to evaluate the creative techniques and reveal the essence of the narrative as much as possible. In-depth analysis allows a better understanding of the art form.

Creating an outline allows readers to avoid wasting time reading the entire essay about poem analysis if they want to get straight to the main points. Summarize all the information in the main body and highlight the main idea. Provide answers to the following questions:

  • exactly what the author wanted to say;
  • what made him write the poem;
  • what emotions he felt;
  • at what time in his life the work was created.

It is also worth paying attention to possible changes in mood as the narrative progresses. Adding the poem’s last lines is good practice when writing a final outline.

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How to Analyze a Poem Effectively

First of all, it is necessary to read the work repeatedly. You should do it at different times of the day. Immediately after awakening, at lunch, before going to sleep. This will allow you to assess the meaning and see the hidden details differently.

If a student writes an essay on a foreign author, they should read the translated and original texts. A great solution would be to listen to an audio recording created by the author. This will allow you to understand the emotions and accents better.

Write down all your thoughts in a draft. They may change over time. This is evidence that you have perfectly developed emotional intelligence and thinking.

Start by analyzing the title of the poem. Not everyone knows that creating a title is quite a challenge for an author. Try to answer the following questions:

  • does the title fit the main idea? After reading the poem, it may seem you were trying to confuse yourself. You expected the lines to be about love, but the meaning is completely different;
  • what style is used? As with the title, it is not uncommon for authors to depart from classic notions of form and mislead readers;
  • why did the writer choose this particular title? What alternatives did he consider? If the poem was created over a long period, it might show a semantic dynamic, a change of moods. This, in turn, makes it difficult to choose a suitable title.

If you have difficulties, consider a successful example of an analytical essay on a poem. There is plenty of similar information on the Internet. Studying other people’s work and figuring out the narrative sequence will save time.

The second step is to move on to analyzing the structure. Try to identify the blocks of meaning that make up the poem. Deal with the semantics that are embedded in each part. It is also worthwhile to understand the logical connections and find the transitions if there are any. The author may not be using schema to build cause-and-effect relationships but is sharing his emotions.

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Determining the purpose of the work when writing an essay is also an important step. Perhaps the writer just wanted to share his emotions and did not put deep meaning into the lines. This is worth mentioning in your research.

We have talked in detail about how to start a poetry analysis essay. Then we move on to the study of musical sound and symbolism. The author can use complicated figures of speech, specific expressions, and even made-up words. The student should use all available sources of information to find answers to their questions. This will approach the understanding of the topic and will significantly improve the quality of the research conducted. You should pay attention to the following components:

  • imagery. Try to find hidden images and symbols the author uses in the text. For example, if the poem refers to the sun, it may indicate an elevated emotional state. And the reference to a small boat wandering the expanse of the sea is an allusion to loneliness and hopelessness;
  • poetic devices. The author may use metaphors, allegories, and hyperbole to enhance the effect. You will have to read each word carefully, looking for clues in the text to understand the overall gist;
  • the music of the poem. It is important to consider the rhythm, meter, rhyme, and other special effects that affect the auditory perception of the lines. It is not uncommon for authors to break the rules and resort to unconventional methods.

You can write a quality essay using a comprehensive approach and analytical thinking.

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Utilizing a Poetry Analysis Template

A certain sequence of steps will help you in your work. We recommend that you pay attention to the following template:

  • choose a topic using the prompts from the previous sections of this review. For your first work, you can use one poem that you like best;
  • stick to the poem analysis structure. Make a detailed plan of action, distribute your free time so that you can handle all assignments in time and not blow the essay deadline;
  • read the poem aloud at least ten times. Change your intonation and pause by the punctuation;
  • check the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. The use of invented terms is a common technique in literature. But there is enough information on the Internet to help decipher obscure words and make sense of the deep meaning of the work;
  • identify style, size, form, and rhythm. Analyze why the author uses these particular components;
  • familiarize yourself with the biography of the writer. At what period of his life he wrote the poem, and what emotions might he have felt while doing so;
  • at the very end, make a poem analysis conclusion. Select key theses that point to the main idea and theme of the narrative.

A quality research paper should not have the slightest errors. This applies to the poetry essay structure and grammatical and spelling typos. Therefore, proofreading and editing are important final steps. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can ask for help from experts.

The following table shows a typical template that you can use in your work:

This piece had a strong impact on me because it made me think about the practicality of the current system of government.

The title of the poem: A weeping gull over an ocean of lies
Author’s name: David Stevenson
Publication date: March 20, 1930
Additional information: The poem was written during the Great Depression. The author went through bad times and had to work on the sugar cane plantations. This strongly influenced his emotional state and is reflected in this work.
Structure information
Verse form Villanelle
Structure: The poem consists of twenty lines, two quatrains, and four three verses.
Rhyming scheme: All stanzas use the ABBA scheme.
The meaning of the piece
Total value The author talks about his difficulties and how he deals with them. He alludes to the fact that politicians deceive the people and urge people to open their eyes.
What does the poem have to do with the real situation, how did it affect me? Even decades after the events described in the poem, the situation has not changed much for the better. Politicians continue to feed us promises to keep us in our seats longer.
This piece had a strong impact on me because it made me think about the practicality of the current system of government.
Poetic techniques
Repetition: In lines 3, 8, and 18, the author uses the same expressions several times to strengthen the effectiveness of his appeal.
Metaphor 1: The poem uses the image of a weeping seagull, the embodiment of a simple working man.
Metaphor 2: The sea of lies is a symbolic description of the situation in which we live.

Also, the last section of the table should include hyperbole, personification, and other elements that the author uses in his work.

Structural Tips for a Strong Essay

Here are some tips that will be helpful when writing an essay on a variety of topics:

  • make an intriguing introduction. The first sentence should interest the readers. Use an unconventional approach, and do not be afraid of verbal experimentation. You should also provide maximum background information about the poem, indicate the title and author;
  • pay special attention to the main part. Each paragraph is an important structural element. You must put a certain meaning and logically complete thought in these five or six lines of text. Between paragraphs, be sure to create a connection so that the narrative does not break off at the most interesting place;
  • provide arguments and evidence to support the validity of the thesis. Evaluate the possible interpretations of other analysts. If they have different points of view, analyze each side’s opinion and choose the one that fits your view of the situation;
  • be sure to create a draft, which will collect absolutely all thoughts on the topic. And already after the final proofreading and editing, you can bring the text to the necessary formatting in compliance with all the teacher’s requirements.

A critical component of the structure is the conclusion. It should be concise but, at the same time, informative. Summarize and leave some understatement to encourage readers to think interestingly.

Now you know how to write poetry analysis essay. We recommend discussing your work with your loved ones and other students before turning it in for review. Don’t be afraid to hear other people’s opinions, even if they have a note of criticism. This will help you improve and make the necessary corrections to the text in time.


Tips on Term Paper Writing

July 24th, 2023

When a high school student moves on to college or university, he finds himself in a new world. In addition to student parties and fun with friends, he will have to study complex disciplines, prove his professionalism, implement scientific projects and perform various assignments for teachers.

Cover to the article: Tips on Term Paper Writing

What is a Term Paper?

Term paper writing is an obligatory stage, passing which will allow the student to successfully finish the academic year and get closer to the coveted diploma. What does this work consist of? As you learn new topics, you must do research backed by practical calculations and analytical data.

Coursework can have several varieties, depending on the chosen major and the discipline studied. For example, at the Faculty of Architecture, you will be asked to create a model of a house or park area. And in the university with an artistic bias will need to draw a picture to make a sculpture. That is, the implementation is not limited to writing.

The importance of such work lies in preparing for real-life situations that the student may encounter.

The research topic of the project can be provided by the teacher individually or chosen by the student himself, depending on his interests and goals.

When writing, attention should be paid to the following generally accepted rules:

  • absence of plagiarism. This problem became urgent when millions of publications on different topics became available online. Unscrupulous students can copy large fragments of text from open sources. But teachers use special online services to check the uniqueness. In the best case, the term paper is sent for revision. But strict professors often give the lowest grade for an attempt to cheat, which hurts the further learning process;
  • you can not use tools based on artificial intelligence. Such trickery is more difficult to detect since the uniqueness of the text is very high. However, with the help of modern services, it is possible to determine whether a human or a robot writes the text;
  • clear adherence to the instructions. If the instructor gives you a topic and indicates the mandatory steps of its writing, you should adhere to all the requirements. This also applies to the deadline, the minimum number of words, the correctness of the document;
  • quality of implementation. As mentioned above, if you need to draw a picture, the teacher will assess the clarity of lines, the harmony of color and shadow, and other indicators.

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If the student does not want to waste his precious time, he can use the term papers writing service. In this case, you must pay the executor the money specified in the terms and conditions. But it is necessary to choose experts with high ratings and good reviews to get a quality result. You should also not forget about reading the text to understand the topic and not get confused by the answers when the teacher asks clarifying questions.

A Guide to Writing a Term Paper

If you intend to fulfill all the requirements and wishes of the supervisor on your own, we recommend reading the instructions for writing a term paper.

Let’s start with simple recommendations:

  • choose an original topic. The more unique it is, the higher the probability that the teacher will show interest in and appreciate it. If you find it difficult to decide, you can look on the Internet, for example term paper topics;
  • unique style. Many people believe that you need to adhere to strict rules of writing your thoughts. There are no restrictions. You can add diagrams and results of surveys you’ve conducted to your paper. The more unique the information and less plagiarism, the higher the potential score;
  • do not be afraid to express your personal opinion. Some outdated methods of calculation may raise doubts in your mind. Share your assumptions and offer optimization options. This way, you show your professionalism and your knowledge of the subject.

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Regardless of the course and subject, you should stick to the generally accepted structure of the narrative:

  • introduction. You should briefly talk about the topic, list your reasons for choosing it, and get your readers interested;
  • main part. It contains the theoretical basis and practical calculations. This is where the results of the research are published, all the arguments and points of view. The more practical information, the better. And you should not forget about uniqueness;
  • conclusion. Summarize and share your opinion. Logically conclude the presentation of the material and offer possible solutions to the problems in question.

Next, we will look at each of the listed components of the structure in more detail. This will give you a better understanding of how to write a good term paper.

It is also worth paying special attention to the design of the cover. You can use thematic images as a background to display the paper’s title and other service information.

Writing a term paper is a creative or analytical process that works with sources. Finally, you must list all the resources used on the bibliography page. This etiquette rule emphasizes respect for the authors, increases your reputation, and positively affects the evaluation results.

– Term Paper Introduction

This is the introductory part, the writing of which is a prerequisite. One paragraph of seven or eight lines is enough. Tell about your work’s goals, emphasize the chosen topic’s relevance, and try to interest potential readers. Do not forget that a good grade will help to establish a trusting relationship with the teacher and guarantee increased competitiveness among your classmates.

If you do not want to pay someone to write my term paper, then follow these recommendations:

  • talk in the introduction about the importance of addressing the topic. Share your thoughts on how it can affect the development of science and what the implications are for society;
  • identify the main purpose of the research, which will be disclosed in detail in the main part;
  • formulate several short theses indicating the final result of your work;
  • in the end, add interesting facts and quotations from famous people. Do your best to enhance the intrigue.

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The introduction to the term paper sets the tone for the entire publication. Therefore, it is worth using any clues. For example, in the first sentence, ask readers a question.

Since you have only a few paragraphs of text, you should present the information succinctly. Your conclusions and arguments are better left for the main part.

By no means use slang expressions. Be aware of the subject for which you are writing a term paper. Adhere to the appropriate terminology, but do not overcomplicate it not to confuse the readers.

– Term Paper Body

You should begin by gathering information. Various sources available in public libraries and on the Internet can be helpful. Today, most books and periodicals are available in digitized form. This makes life easier, as you can save a lot of time.

First, you must follow the teacher’s requirements for methodology and other research tools. Study all the terms carefully, so you do not have to adjust later, which will hurt the final grade.

At the very beginning of the instructions, we told you what is a term paper. This study is necessary to understand the level of knowledge gained during your studies. Therefore, it is worth concentrating on writing the main part. Often, it takes more than 90% of the entire project and consists of the following blocks:

  • theory. You need to describe the essence of the problem, talk about the results of the scientist’s research, and express your point of view. In essence, you prepare the foundation, provide introductory information for further disclosure of the topic;
  • analytics. There is no clear structure and limitations here. The student should consider all the factors that may influence the problem. Use as many real-life examples as possible, supporting them with practical calculations. Visualize the data with graphs, charts, pictures, and drawings;
  • experimental section. This section is mandatory for academic publishing only if specified in the requirements. It should discuss possible solutions, with results supported by facts. You can also use personal assumptions based on some evidence base.

How to write a term paper? In addition to the informative content, you should consider the requirements regarding the document’s design. A generally accepted version is considered in the following table:

Font style Times New Roman
Font size 14
Font color Black
Line spacing 1.5
Text alignment By width.
Distance between paragraphs C0.75 in.
Indents 1-inch
Paper size A4
Print type One-way

– Term Paper Conclusion

Many term papers writers underestimate the importance of this part. It helps to summarize all the work done and logically end the narrative. To do it right, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • the first sentence should have clear wording. Avoid the usual phrases, like “In conclusion, I would like to add …”. Show creativity, and come up with an original ending;
  • list the most important points discussed in the main body. Point out the strengths of your research. This is essentially a reiteration of what you said earlier, but in a more concise form;
  • try to impress the teacher. Even if the topic is not very interesting to readers, a well-written conclusion can make all the difference;
  • no need to add new ideas to the text. Your job is to conclude the narrative correctly, not to continue the discussion and generate a lot of questions.

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If you have problems, confused about the structure, you can ask the professor to help me write my term paper. Of course, the professor will not do all the work for you. But he will help you set priorities and tell you how to move.

Perfecting Your Term Paper: Editing and Citations

After writing a research paper, you should perfect it. Your grade depends directly on it. It is about proofreading and editing. Many people confuse these concepts. First, you must carefully check each term paper section to comply with the chosen topic and the teacher’s requirements.

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As for proofreading, you must pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. There should not be any typos. Even if you want to write a term paper quickly, to pass the document for verification, it is better to dedicate at least a few hours to proofreading.

Don’t forget about web resources that can do this part of the job. Paying a little money will save you a lot of time. Especially if you are not particularly versed in all the subtleties of spelling.

Before printing the text on paper, you should check the design settings, indentation, and font size again.

You should use quotations to make the text more natural and give him a scientific style. If you mention a magazine or newspaper article, format the text properly. There are certain standards for this, such as MLA. You should include the author’s name, the title of their book, and the page number from which the information is taken.

At the end of the term paper, add a bibliography page listing all the sources used alphabetically. This is good practice, which confirms your professionalism and desire to improve in this direction.

Some teachers may not even pay attention to the correctness of the design. For them, the term paper’s essence and the topic’s completeness are more important. But this does not mean that you should neglect editing and correction.

Tips for Effectively Managing Your Time to Complete Your Term Paper

Most tips on writing a term paper begin with advice on managing your time while doing research papers. You must put much effort into learning to properly position and prioritize your work overtime. Because of this, the authors of Bid4Papers have decided to share useful tips that further help improve your time management skills.

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Here are some beneficial recommendations that you should never forget if you want to write my term papers qualitatively and without unnecessary problems:

  • assign your goals. The most basic and simple advice for all students is to learn how to set your goals correctly. You must answer what exactly you should get for doing the work. By doing this, you will be much more effective in handling the assignment and getting a positive result;
  • pay attention to the timing. Be sure to consider the deadlines you are given for each task. Time management requires you to focus on certain tasks and develop prioritizing skills. So choose those tasks that should be turned in soon, and start working on them as quickly as possible;
  • start with small tasks. Try to break down the most difficult tasks into several simpler ones so that it’s easier for you to start working on them. To do this, understand the basic steps and put them into your schedule piece by piece. In addition, usually in the morning, the student has more energy to perform, so it is worth leaving the hardest tasks for the early hours. In this case, by the evening, there will only be simple tasks that will not be difficult to do;
  • assign a schedule. Try to use the schedule to your advantage because your work should be as structured as the essay. The best way to do this is to use a third-party service or google calendar. This will reduce the number of accidentally forgotten assignments, and you can always see the approaching deadlines. You can break down such schedules into days, weeks, hours, or minutes. Plan your life and become more efficient!
  • use checklists. Try writing several to-do lists that are updated daily with new tasks. This way, you will always know what stage you are currently at. This will allow you to take on tasks more efficiently and complete them gradually. You can also mark different tasks with a certain color to categorize the information. After all, such lists are the basis of any schedule.

Thanks to such small instructions, any research paper will become dozens of times easier and will not take you dozens of hours to complete. However, you can alternatively get term paper writing help from the authors of Bid4Papers. Just type ‘write a paper for me‘ in our support chat and can save dozens of hours during your work and not worry about the need to lose time writing for a long time. In addition, it guarantees that all requirements are met, which means the grade will be high.

In any case, start the assignment now and gradually start writing. Formulate a clear structure and devote more time to the subsequent editing. Thanks to this, you will be able to get a positive grade and earn yourself a reputation as a diligent student.

How to Write Family Essay

July 21st, 2023

First and foremost, essays about family are scholarly works about your affiliation with certain people you consider your family.

Cover to the article: How to Write Family Essay

What is family essay? 

Often such essays can be ambiguous because the family can improve your life, take care of your problems, and add psychological problems to your piggy bank. However, it is, in any case, an important paper on how the people you care about affect you, what they do, and what role they play in your life.

It is also your report on forming bonds between people living in the same house. Family essays often help you find additional information and better understand your relatives. It can also influence your perception of the dynamics of family relationships. Because of this, your relationships may eventually improve, and your understanding of the actions and judgments of each family member will increase.

You should focus as much as possible on your family to get the job done. Gather everyone in the living room and begin discussing the assignment given to you, which can greatly improve your job experience. In most cases, family and friends will have no problem sharing their views of the situation to help make the work more encompassing and wide-ranging. Try to make fair use of the information you gather.

How to Write a Family Essay from the Heart

To write a research paper what is a family essay, you will need to put in the effort and get a positive result. It is not the most difficult work because you will have personal experience and be able to share your observations and thoughts. However, while creating a research paper, you may encounter many difficulties, each of which may delay the work for some time.

The first thing you need to do, even before committing to the paper, is to understand the essay about my family from different angles and ensure the text is structured correctly. This will help you get started much more efficiently and hand in your finished material to your supervisor quicker. Here are a few significant recommendations that will significantly help you get the job done easier:

  • start with a fact. Most students’ hardest part is starting their research paper about the family. In this case, the easiest way is to get the professor’s or audience’s attention with an interesting fact. Write about how many times your family has helped you significantly. Don’t use negative statistics when doing this, lest you inadvertently use a negative tone to the narrative. Choose information that sounds appealing and interests readers from the first few seconds;
  • don’t forget the thesis statement. You must write a tight thesis statement that will reveal throughout your research paper. Try to make it as powerful as possible while still being properly constructed so that readers want comprehensive answers. It is worthwhile, however, not to distract too much from the key topic in the research paper itself. This will help keep your attention and stay concise so that everyone likes your essay;
  • do your research. Try to approach your paper responsibly and fully analyze your family. Choosing the right topic allows you to distribute the structure and build your research paper effectively. Family archives, photographs, or a genealogical tree can also help you. Ask questions and write down answers from family members to make your research paper look good and believable;
  • write the main body of the paper. The main thing in any paper is the main part, where your chosen arguments and thesis statement will be revealed. You will need to develop the ideas expressed earlier and organize them properly. You can write what the family means to you. How each person in your family has influenced your worldview and what you want to say with that. Most often, this section is about three paragraphs of dense text;
  • create a strong conclusion to the work. Be sure to think of a good ending to your paper in the final paragraph. This will help form a definitive opinion and strengthen your position. You should confirm your arguments, support your thesis statement, and close the topic. It is best to take the thesis statement from the introduction and restate it. Doing this will create a full circle between the beginning and the end. By doing so, the audience and the professor will feel a sense of accomplished scholarship.

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To fully write about family, you must check the finished work yourself. This is not a quick process at all and requires a lot of focus and attention. You should not hand in your work with mistakes or weaknesses, and this will require you to read the research material aloud and evaluate the assignment yourself.

Another good way to improve your work is to use those around you to read. Try asking your family or love ones to read college essays about family so that they can help you edit your finished research paper. Various grammar checker tools can help you in this regard.

The main purpose of such a check is to identify weaknesses and promptly make changes. There may be problems with the structure or arguments and the presentation of information. Remember, sticking to the chronological sequence and giving exhaustive descriptions is worthwhile. Thanks to this, your chosen topic about family will be disclosed several times better. And so you can count on a positive result and a high evaluation score.

It is also recommended that you responsibly collect additional information, which can be in the most unexpected places. Conduct a communication session with distant relatives or dive into the city archives. Doing this lets you learn much more interesting information about your family early on, so you can draw cool conclusions and present them in your research paper. This will help you improve your essay and get more positive marks from your teacher.

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About Your Family History

A written thesis statement about family will help you handle the rest of your work and get a positive result. You must create an essay about family history, which can be difficult. A few important guidelines will help you:

  • immerse yourself in your family history;
  • try to ask your grandparents about what kind of family they had;
  • try researching historical records in archives.

Photographs, additional data, and information from neighbors, if you have lived in the same place for a long time, can help you. With this, you can describe your family at different times in history and show key differences between past and present.

In any case, you can’t do a definition of family essay without:

  • a clear structure;
  • a written thesis statement;
  • a subsequent proofreading of the work.

Think about your audience and try to choose words and phrases so that they are guaranteed to understand exactly what your story is about. Doing this interest people more effectively and give them the right amount of information. Try to improve the essay by passing the reading to a family member. Try to stick to this structure, articulate your thoughts clearly, and reread the final research paper regularly. By doing this, you’ll be able to handle the task much more effectively and gain useful experience.

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About the Role of Family in Society

Such family essay topics remain popular due to the many variations over time. Use as much information as possible to ensure you choose the right position. Family is quite an ambiguous topic for children and parent, and therefore you need to be careful with every fact you use.

It is worthwhile to frame academic essays on family values so the supervisor can evaluate your work. This will require you to write several paragraphs and observe the correct structure of the research paper. Here are some useful guidelines:

  • have a brainstorming session. Try to get your family into high-activity mode and get together. This way, you can get opinions from all sides and use them properly in your research paper. Just think about the family’s primary role in raising and maturing people. Perhaps the family is the most important thing in life, or you may be against that statement;
  • create a plan. Any research paper will require a high concentration level and the ability to make good placement decisions. This is what you will need to do a research paper on the topic of family and create a plan to cover the topic. This way, you will not get lost between paragraphs of text and will be able to finish your research paper in time;
  • don’t forget about the introduction. As before, the introduction and conclusion are the most important parts of any essay. These two paragraphs allow you to express more sense and arguments than in the main body. Try to be concise and use your thesis statement in both. Thanks to the correct formation of the main idea, you can disclose the topics several times better.

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Thanks to this, you can disclose your chosen topic quite effectively and correctly, thus getting more points from the teacher. Do not forget to work with the text and adjust the finished scientific material. Only by identifying and closing weaknesses can you improve your essay writing skills and thus start doing similar papers with more peace of mind and without unnecessary problems.

About Family Members

You will also need to essay describe your family believably enough. For this, it is best to talk to each of your relatives personally. Doing this lets you make a list of important notes and use them to write your research paper further. Use as much information as possible to give each family member their unique character.

In this regard, the family relationships essay must be written interestingly. Try to:

  • convey the personal traits of each family member;
  • give reliable information in chronological order;
  • follow the topic through each person included.

This will greatly increase your chances of writing a good research paper. Keep in mind that you are facing a rather complex and interesting task. You need to adhere to the expected academic rules of writing and follow your structure. Only in this way will your work be considered a good essay and deserve to be positively evaluated.

About Issues Faced by Families Today

Often even one family essay titles can make a student fearful of writing because it is a difficult job that will require you to have a high level of focus on the goal. You need to get the topic right and, in doing so, use the language of argument and facts. Only in this way will you get a positive score for your assignment and proceed to the next one without any problems.

A rather interesting topic remains the problems that every family may encounter throughout life. These can be new children or adult disobedience. You must study the topic carefully and use the information you receive to get a positive result.

We recommend adhering to a few tips given by the authors of Bid4Papers for students:

  • start with the issues first. It is necessary to prioritize the main part of the article correctly. Try to identify the main problems of families in the 21st century to create cool arguments. Often it is a problem of credit, difficulties at work, relationships between family members, and relationships between children. You will need to identify as many contemporary pains as possible to close them in your research paper effectively;
  • try to highlight personal problems. This will enable you to give information and share personal experiences more effectively. Take a fresh look at your family members and try to describe the problems of each family member that affect the overall situation. In the end, this approach will yield results and allow you to write a research paper more effectively;
  • give your vision of solutions. If you don’t have enough words in your essay, you can use a personal opinion to expand the paper. Try adding your personal view of the situation and options for solving the problem. This will help you understand the topic better and give the audience the right facts and arguments. The closer you get to the topic, the easier it will be to expose it.

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This will make your essay on family relationships several times better and more structured. Try not to forget that this is an important research paper; therefore, you must try to make it easy to read. A large number of questions will need to be answered.

It is a good idea to use personal examples and your own experience. In such research papers, the individual approach is valued the most, so you should not ignore it. Try to look at the information presented from your perspective. Then describe how you feel and explain how you see the situation.

Good Essay Topics About Family

Before how to write a family history essay, you need to understand the subject’s most interesting topics and peculiarities. Research papers always involve something personal inside you; therefore, you must take responsibility for the content and present the information as objectively as possible. You must not forget that there is your view of the situation, and there are views of other family members.

Initially, the topic seems clear, but there are many possible topics to choose and write about. You can work with a research paper guided by data from the Internet and studies and your own experience. Here are some good universal topics guaranteed to help you approach the assignment easier and hand it in on time.

How important it is to give time to each family member How a large family affects the behavior and reactions of younger children How big is the problem of inadequate attention to older and younger children
How the right family can nurture a sense of trust in a person How important it is to spend time with family What makes a person a member of the family
How family expectations can affect a child’s achievements What role does the genealogical tree play in the family What habits from modern life can be instilled by past generations
How family traditions can bring children closer together and give them a sense of community Whether family recipes are important and why they are kept for decades What affects the relationship between older and younger children
Why a group of people can be considered a family in the 21st century Whether the concept of family is worth rethinking because of changes in the world How a family can inspire or upset a child

Writing about family will require much effort and time to create a research paper. The main secret here is to involve your family members in the assignment. This way, you can get more useful information, share observations, and get feedback. Science papers like this bring people together well and allow you to start communicating more effectively with each other.

Alternatively, you can enlist the expertise of Bid4Papers authors, who will fulfill your “write a paper for me” request to the highest standard. Thanks to this, you can save dozens of hours of writing time and get a great result with all the requirements. At the same time, you will need to provide the maximum amount of information available so that the assignment is personalized.

Start writing now and find answers to the suggested topics. Don’t forget about the classic essay structure and choose those aspects of your family’s life that will be easier and more convenient to describe.

Strategies for Effective Lengthening and Shortening Essay

July 19th, 2023

Many students are faced with the question of how long is essay and how to find the right balance between length and content. The size can vary depending on your institution, the accepted rules of the department, and even your skills. We tell you all the specifics and teach you how to make essays longer or shorter.

How Long Should an Essay Be? 

More often, you’ll have special guidelines that will help determine the approximate framework of the essay. You’ll need to clarify the required size with your teacher or supervisor – this is guaranteed to reduce the number of mistakes.

Here are a few important recommendations that will help you distinguish between different types of work and make essay longer or shorter:

  • for middle school. In this case, you will need about 300–1000 words to cover the topic fully. A classic 5-paragraph structure is often used, allowing you to create an introduction, the main part, and an ending. Usually, you are not required to write too much, so even a beginner can handle this kind of work;
  • college. Here, a professor may require you to write about 1500–5000 words, depending on the topic and the time allotted for the work. For example, an elective in music may cost only 1500 words, but a major in English will require 5000 words. It all depends on the course, the level of the program, and your instructor, who can set the limits of the essay himself;
  • in graduate school. You are already one step closer to becoming a real professional. More often than not, it will take 2,500 to 6,000 words to cover a topic in professional language fully. Usually, this level involves creating a real research paper with serious analysis and many facts. You will have to do your best when doing such a paper.

A person writes something in a notebook

Consider a special type of paper in which you must shorten an essay to the required size. In the first case, you will be limited to 200–650 words per research paper. In the second, you need 500 to 1,000 words.

Asking the question “essay how long”, most often, students forget that the research paper can be divided into several parts. Because of this, the main part should take up the most space because it contains various arguments, facts, and statistics. All of this should be covered with convincing evidence and various development of ideas.

The introduction is only one paragraph if your research paper is planned in 3000 words. Complex research papers must devote two or three paragraphs to the introduction. It depends on whether you can describe or write. Don’t forget the need to stay concise and use factual language.

Now you have figured out how long should an essay be, but you still have a question about the final section. More often than not, it is about the same as the introduction and contains one paragraph. And in larger research papers, it is still one paragraph. All because of the need to briefly and, simultaneously, extremely convincingly connect the arguments with your conclusion. This will help you get a decent result and have no problem handing in your paper to your professor or reading it out in front of an audience.

Knowing how to work with the text is important so that shortening essays will not be a big problem for you. You need to choose the length of your work correctly to show your skills in revealing the topic and argumentation, but at the same time, not lose the essence of the narrative and not start pouring water. 

It is also necessary to properly assess the value and complexity of the information you must process. Development of the thesis can take dozens of hours, and the time to turn in a paper is always limited. Therefore, you should always draft a thesis statement and main arguments in advance, which will best tell you where to write your argumentative paper

For example, a short paper will require you to focus on a topic. A long research paper, on the other hand, will require you to be just as focused on a certain topic. You must not forget that too much deviation from the topic will only worsen your final grade. Therefore, choosing a narrower approach and proper reasoning is better, settling into a more concise research paper.

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This will make the amount of complicated work less. Just distribute each section by a certain number of words, and you will immediately begin to see the necessary amount to finish writing. The main thing is not to abuse the number of words and try, in any case, correctly disclose the topics. Thanks to this, you are guaranteed not to encounter additional problems and will be able to give your finished research paper in time.

How to Make Essays Longer?

When wondering how to make my essay longer, remember that you will also have an adjustment phase. Thanks to this, you can effectively reduce or increase the number of words. It is much easier to work with and improve the text you have already prepared, so you will have no trouble filling in a few additional descriptions to the argument and making it broader. The overall picture will be much better when you get down to the final writing stages.

There are certain standards for how you can exceed the length of your essay. There are special words to make essay longer and additional special actions. Remember that the maximum length should not exceed 10% of the set limit. Otherwise, it will be a gross error that the professor won’t appreciate. Not only will you fail to cope with the task, but you will also make the professor spend more time evaluating the work. In such a situation, the supervisor may not read your work.

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That’s why there are a few important recommendations that will help you figure out how to increase the number of characters in an essay:

  • the first thing to do is to add more evidence. Pay attention to whether your essay is sufficiently argumentative, and try to increase the number of facts you use. This will not only make your research paper larger, but you will also be able to work more narrowly with each argument. You shouldn’t squeeze the maximum amount of text from your written factors because that will only add water. But adding new arguments will strengthen your position and become more persuasive;
  • you need to add words to my essay that will add an analysis element to your research paper. Doing so can convey your position to your audience or professor more effectively. It is worth looking at the examples and ensuring each has been described. Thanks to this, you will also be able to explain the essence of the example better because not everyone can understand why this fragment was added in the first place;
  • try to revise your main thesis and, based on it, develop a new side of your idea. Even a fairly narrow topic can be exposed from several sides, and this is an additional opportunity to make the research paper more convincing. Try to bring the position of the second side, and break it down competently based on your opinion and the arguments presented earlier.

Every student can face the problem of increasing the number of words. There are special phrases to make essay longer, but it is not always enough. After all, it is difficult to disclose a previously unknown topic at once for 3000–5000 words and competently argue every detail in the research paper.

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It is better to try to use additional recommendations from experts, which are guaranteed to help you figure out the writing:

  • details need to be added. Every student, at first, wants to be as concise as possible and go straight ahead in their narrative without turning into additional arguments or subtopics. However, this always leads to difficulty completing a paper on a certain volume. You must delve more deeply into the topic and bring in details. Try rereading your points and fleshing them out. You may not have covered everything you can yet;
  • try to ask for help. Help from the outside will be extremely helpful because people will not yet have their eyes washed out by your academic work. Thanks to this, you can see the insufficiently disclosed aspects of the work and try to improve the argument. You may be prompted with some interesting examples or points to add to the essay;
  • use examples of scholarly papers. Be sure to read several similar papers on your topic. This will help you understand what guided other students and scholars. In this case, you may also encounter opposing opinions, which means you can see an additional position. Try to use this for your work;
  • read your paper aloud. You can learn how to write longer essays by doing this kind of work as often as possible. To do this, you should read your research papers out loud and parse them on that basis. Thanks to this, you will hear all the points and arguments from the outside, which means you can find weaknesses. These are the ones you need for additional disclosure and to get as much detail as possible;
  • do your research. Increase your word count by systematically researching and diving deep into the topic. Discover more sophisticated examples of research papers from professors and researchers. Eventually, you will find an aspect that you have not yet been able to describe at this point;
  • try to include more citations. Increase the value of your paper by adding quotations from famous personalities, scientists, academics, and authorities on your chosen topic. This can increase the essay’s word count and improve the argumentation through the status of the people quoted. The main thing is not to turn the work into a solid collection of quotations from great people.

In addition, you can be helped by longer words for essays, which combine perfectly with transitional sentences and phrases. Thanks to this, you will make your research paper more connected and acceptable to read and greatly increase the volume. The main thing is not to abuse such a technique because it can lead to a decrease in the readability of your article. Try to increase the value of your research paper and get a great result, which the supervisor or the audience will surely appreciate.

How to Shorten Essays?

Once you have learned ways to make essays longer, you also need to understand exactly how you can reduce your research paper by several times. Right away, we recommend you stop worrying too much because it is enough for you to stick to the lower limit as much as possible. Even if you fall short by 50–100 words, it usually won’t affect the final result in any way.

There are some cool ways to reduce your work quite quickly and efficiently. Here are some more tips from the paper writers for hire from Bid4Papers:

  • start with a thesis statement and spell it out clearly. This will make you deviate less from the topic and be focused on revealing only certain issues;
  • read your paper aloud and find weaknesses that are worth reducing. Remember that the audience should not be too bored with reading a scholarly work, and therefore you should do it professionally;
  • make notes on the disclosure of the topic of your essay. This will help you structure your thoughts and properly distribute them between all the sections of the paper;
  • try to prescribe in advance the arguments and facts that you will use. In any case, the text will have to be built around them, and therefore it won’t be a problem to shorten it;
  • pay attention to the introduction and conclusion. The main work is supposed to be in the main section, and therefore you need to make the correct structure of the article in advance.

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You should also gradually reduce the amount of text in your research paper. Remember that the text limit is set precisely to keep you focused on the topic. Therefore, if there is an urgent need to increase the number of acceptable words, you can contact your professor and agree on this change. If you have more to say, this practice is only encouraged in some higher education institutions.

It is worth exceeding the volume only if you need to describe additional arguments and facts. Many students do not rate this kind of work too highly because it takes more time. If you miss an important point, you can get a lower grade.

The authors of our platform know how to correctly disclose the topic depending on the given value of the essay. And they are ready to share with you some important writing recommendations:

  • double-check your paragraphs. It is important to use the technique of rereading your research paper after writing it. This way, you can ensure that every argument is covered and the paragraphs correctly convey your point. Try to cut out the paragraphs, those words that are only additional descriptions to improve understanding. Without them, the meaning should not be lost;
  • try to focus on one question. Each paragraph should answer a specific question, not several at once. Because of this, the amount of work can be much larger than necessary, and therefore it is recommended not to expand the topic but, on the contrary – to shorten it. Reread the paragraphs and check whether they meet this requirement;
  • you can cut words from essay that belong to the group of parasites. Try to cut out various words and phrases that only interfere with reading and make the text stretch. Moving a paragraph to a separate document is the easiest way. After that, try to write it again, but more succinctly. Such an independent rewrite will help to avoid blurred text and get concise scientific work, which the supervisor will certainly evaluate.

You must also understand that an urgent reduction in scope is not always the right thing to do. Professors appreciate the topic, and one of your tasks is to analyze the problem and offer a solution or a vision of the situation. With this understanding, you can approach your research papers and essay writing more responsibly.

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Here are some recommendations that will help you not to worsen the quality of your research paper:

  • important elements should not be removed. To reduce the number of words to the correct amount, the logicality of the narrative should not be sacrificed. This will only lead to negative consequences, so it is worth keeping the arguments. However, you will be able to revise the transitional sentences, which can sometimes be unnecessary;
  • don’t try to shorten the introduction or ending sections. More often than not, these sections are crucial to your essay without taking up too much research paper space. For the most part, it is the main section where you will need to work with excessive water and unnecessary descriptions to reduce the length.

This will make it much easier for you to understand the main ways to reduce the length of your research paper. You should be objective, and it will pay off over time.

Balancing Length and Substance

Now you fully know how to cut down an essay or vice versa. Thanks to this, you can balance the length and content of your research paper. You should stick to the language of facts, arguments, and conciseness. Thanks to this, the topic can be disclosed in the most accurate and understandable language, thus getting the maximum score for passing the paper.

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You should also, along with this, try to assess the topic and answer a few important questions properly:

  • is there more information that should be in the research paper but is still not presented;
  • whether all paragraphs answer only one question and fully disclose the topic;
  • how correctly used in your research paper terms, transitional sentence.

This will make it easier for you to determine the weakest points of your scientific work and reformat it under the correct volume. In any case, it is recommended to communicate with the teacher in advance and get feedback on the acceptable number of words. You could make an exception.

Alternatively, instead of spending dozens of hours writing and correcting, you can turn to the authors of our service. Remember that your most valuable resource is your time. So dispose of it correctly and successfully submit your research papers in the right amount!

Boosting Student Success

July 19th, 2023

In many cases, grades significantly indicate a student’s academic performance and emotional and psychological state. True leaders always strive to get the highest grades, but what exactly is the impact of a student’s success. A person needs to realize their full potential to be successful throughout their life in the future.

Cover to the article: Boosting Student Success

Importance of Student Success

First and foremost, learning how to identify each student’s success properly is important. Some people are less or more susceptible to criticism. That said, experts in Southern California have derived a certain formula. It includes the measure of student engagement and the results achieved over time.

That’s why many universities track their students’ performance and pay close attention to the at-risk group with poor grades. More often than not, this means a person may drop out and discontinue their education. Especially this indicator is important in the first year, when the student has not yet fully understood the education system and may make many mistakes due to stress.

Student achievement and success are determined by many factors, as academic success most often means increased happiness throughout life. This is an important indicator for the Department of Education, so you need to decide on the indicators. More often than not, positive self-determination examples include success in college or another educational institution.

The character is holding a piece of paper with an A+ score

Often teachers and the entire university system try to determine the individual success of each student. Here are some classic ways to see the performance of a particular student:

  • grade point measures;
  • retention rates;
  • degree attainment;
  • performance for a semester or year;
  • completion of a particular course.

There are dozens or hundreds of such metrics, so it is up to each institution to determine the most appropriate assessment option. In any case, performance measures are also often tied to state funding of the college. For this reason, the institution itself has a vested interest in producing successful and happy graduates.

To avoid getting bad report cards, students should make the most of the opportunities offered by the college and follow the instructions of their professors. Here are some tips to help make the learning process more successful.

  • discuss with the supervisor all the terms of the term and diploma papers. Failure to ask the right questions is often the cause of misunderstanding, which negatively affects the results of grading;
  • get comments on low grades. A student may be confident that they have done an excellent job, but the instructor disagrees. It is necessary to ask for an explanation in a correct form to understand the criteria of the evaluation;
  • be proactive. Do not expect success to fall on your head. Offer interesting solutions to problems related to a particular subject. Do your research, ask for teachers’ opinions, and show them your interest in the subject;
  • follow the syllabus. The advantage of college is a systematic presentation of information that has been proven to be effective for decades. Don’t get ahead of yourself and try to tackle more difficult topics without mastering basic theory;
  • don’t be afraid to take responsibility. Prove to those around you that you are ready to become a leader. Do not shyly express an opinion if at least some facts and arguments support it. Make decisions without waiting to be asked to do so.

It is also important to understand that grades essay significantly impacts a student’s success rate. Therefore, you should pay special attention to the quality of your academic work. It is mandatory to adhere to the standard structure and generally accepted rules of citations. If you need to do the work quickly, you can ask for help from our authors. They will help you write an essay or term paper, for which the student is guaranteed a high grade from the teacher.

Reasons Why Students Get Bad Grades

Your report card bad grades may contain poor for various reasons, which can be serious, objective, and personal. You must keep your grades up to date and work on your achievements. Only then will you be able to reach the level you want relatively quickly and effectively. Remember that the acquired knowledge is essential in adulthood because it allows you to find a job at a higher level.

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The main problem of 2023 is the inability to learn. The problem is objective and has been monitored by educational authorities since 1975. Special testing and a commission will help identify the disorder. About 14% of people may have a real learning disability. This means that they need the following:

Otherwise, academic performance will decline steadily and reach the point of no learning.

However, other problems often arise for students and greatly affect their final grades:

  • anxiety. It is widespread for a student success essay to include an indicator of depression and anxiety throughout the study. This is a common problem that requires professional intervention or at least support. The fact is that constant deadlines and the need to follow many rules cause anxiety. It is also affected by grades that can show the student’s level of knowledge. It is necessary to calm down and try to pull yourself together, and if necessary, contact specialists and work with the problem so that it does not interfere with the student’s life;
  • distraction. Cell phones and computers greatly distract students from the task at hand. Because of this, there is a lack of time and hastily made research papers are accepted at a reduced rate. The problem is often detected in senior students who no longer worry about their studies and think about the future;
  • passivity. More often than not, a passive attitude about one’s learning makes the student vulnerable to many problems. The student is no longer responsible for their actions and completed tasks, leading to more problems with grades. You also won’t be able to be remembered by the instructor and get extra credit if you always do only the basic level of the course;
  • procrastination. You may notice that instead of completing the assigned assignment and writing a research paper, you get distracted by other things and try your best to find excuses for it. This condition is called procrastination and greatly affects a student’s final grades during the paper submission;
  • lack of motivation. From time to time, students may experience little motivation. In this case, all matters become secondary, and one has to study through force. This greatly affects the student’s possible results. They tell you that I got bad grades, but this is a real problem and needs to be dealt with. The easiest thing to do is to imagine your future and understand that your effort in studying now is an investment in your successful future;
  • no understanding of the topic. Sometimes the problem happens on the part of the professor, and the explanation is not given at the right level. The use of complicated terminology or lack of additional explanation is a frequent problem among academic supervisors. In this case, you should tell the teacher about it and get feedback. In most cases, this will improve your performance because the teacher is also interested in giving each student the material at a high level.

Self determination skills, which should develop over time, will help you cope with such problems. You need to consider and acknowledge such problems honestly to act correctly and improve your academic performance eventually. This is not an easy task in most cases, but the result can be quite good.

Boosting Student Success photo 2

Dealing with Bad Grades: Tips and Strategies

It is crucial for a student to understand why determination is important and to use this knowledge correctly. Several important strategies and tactics will help you cope with academic tasks and submit your essays on time. Scores depend greatly on it, so such a topic should not be omitted.

The experts from our paper writer service have shared a few useful tips:

  • give yourself time. It is important not to try to live in stress all the time because such fixation on grades can lead to big problems with your psychological state. Do not get bogged down in these emotions; focus on supporting yourself. It is necessary to solve your problems rather than be sad about them. Give yourself time to fume about the situation and try to improve things in the future;
  • stay calm. A good determination essay will help you understand that the most important thing is to stay calm. With bad grades or a failed subject, for the moment, your life is not over. You don’t die or become a different person. Just take a deep breath and count to 10. Immediately calm down and let go of the negative emotions. Try to look at the problem realistically and decide for yourself that you will move on despite the difficulties;
  • calculate your result. Try to analyze your handed-in work independently and find certain problems that influenced the grade. This will give you a much better understanding of the situation and prepare you for the topics you cannot yet do. Calculate what you will do well on your annual course grade and what your score will affect right now. This will help you stop worrying and take personal control;
  • identify weaknesses. Try to find weaknesses in your knowledge and correct them. For example, you may not be good at proving your position or writing essay analyzes. Thanks to this, you will be able to approach certain topics in a more focused way and find the answers you need;
  • close the gaps in your knowledge. Develop a plan for your studies, and do not forget that you will have gaps in your knowledge anyway. Fill them up with textbooks, articles, or extra classes. Teachers can go out of their way to help you catch up on material you missed during illness or due to other circumstances. Even one topic can end up affecting your studies for years to come;
  • take it up later. When wondering how to cope with bad grades, you should realize that sometimes you must leave things for later. Try to give yourself some time to rest and find peace. This will help you not overestimate exams’ difficulty and approach them responsibly. Use this advice to get positive feedback from your body and emotional state.

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Any essay determination will include tips from experts to constantly stay on top of your studies and succeed in the institution. You will need to stay at a good level emotionally and not worry too much. Grades are important, but you must work on your achievements qualitatively, not ignore the problem.

You should also try communicating with the teachers who give you negative grades as quickly as possible. This way, you can learn more about and adjust to the grading criteria. You will also be able to explain your situation and get feedback. Professors welcome students who want to achieve more in their studies and life.

Skills for Success: Introduction to Self-Determination Life Skills

Sometimes students need to write an essay on self determination to understand their strengths better and learn how to succeed. This is critical because it teaches them how to regulate their actions and make good decisions. This skill is indispensable for students, so we discuss the key actions required to achieve positive results.

In addition to all of this, you need to learn a few important skills:

  • understand how to make decisions, so you can make timely choices and feel positive consequences of it;
  • you need to learn not only how to make good decisions, but also how to understand the judgments that lead to those decisions. This will require you to be able to identify alternatives that you can engage instead of the option that you may end up choosing;
  • you need to learn how to solve problems and understand ways to solve them. Through this, the student begins to take on studies and evaluate various events much more effectively;
  • goal setting and achievement. You need to be critical of your accomplishments and goals to learn how to achieve them and see ways to achieve the outcome;
  • self-regulation. This will require you to be able to analyze yourself to evaluate actions or decisions made in time and correctly;
  • the ability to explain your actions. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand the principles of self-expression and use them in the future;
  • positive self-efficacy. This skill teaches you to believe in your abilities and act by your goals.

Try also to write a determination speech at least once and declare it to an audience or acquaintances. This will give you a better grasp of the subject and help you understand the basic principles for improving your performance in school and life.

You will need to use all the self-determination knowledge you have previously acquired to develop the right skills and begin to enjoy your studies. You must understand yourself and your body to move forward fully and confidently. And this is an essential part of human psychology that should never be ignored.

Boosting Student Success photo 4

How to Develop Self-Determination Skills?

To write an essay about self determination, you will need to study some interesting tests. They are needed to establish your level of self-determination skills. You can write a research paper based on them:

  • AIR assessment. One of the most popular options for assessing self-determination was created in the United States. It allows you to assess the knowledge and abilities of self-determination and the ability to use this information. This test has several forms; taking it with a supervisor and parents is best. This makes the final result as objective and correct as possible;
  • APO self-determination. This scale lets you discover your weaknesses and strengths in the self-determination section. This test is often given to adolescents, so they can correctly assign statements. Separately the sections with scoring and interpretation of each result should be studied. It is important not only to answer the questions honestly but also to understand the outcome of your performance properly;
  • BNSG-S. The well-known scale consists of 21 items that help you better know yourself and your individual needs. In doing so, you should choose the correctness of each statement on a scale of 1 to 7. Be sure to try to answer honestly because that is what you need first and foremost.

This will greatly help you complete the job and improve your personal self-determination skills. Remember that your condition as a student largely depends on it. Try also to use other popular techniques or books that help you understand yourself better and finally get rid of bad grades. Only your future depends on you; therefore, you should not miss your chance.

What is SWOT Analysis and How to Write it Correctly?

July 14th, 2023

Cover to the article: What is SWOT Analysis

What Is SWOT Analysis?

In a free market, doing business involves many risks. The presence of competitors, the rapid development of technology, and changes in consumer preferences all of this can have a significant impact on the financial results of the company.

Managers must use different tools to assess the current situation and predict future performance. SWOT analysis is one of the most important sources of information for making management decisions.

To begin with, we should decipher this acronym to understand better what we are going to talk about:

  • S. Strengths, available assets;
  • W. Weaknesses and shortcomings of the organization;
  • O. Opportunities that can appear given the influence of external factors;
  • T. Threats associated with potential risks and sudden changes in the market situation.

What is a SWOT analysis? It is one of the easiest ways to get detailed information for the strategic development plan of any organization. This approach is relevant for large industrial enterprises and companies that sell goods and provide services.

A visual representation of strengths and weaknesses in a matrix or list allows you to visualize the strengths and weaknesses. The same applies to threats and opportunities which can benefit the business.

The SWOT analysis is a universal tool for managers of different levels and marketers to plan for further action. In addition, many people use this methodology for personal evaluation.

The developer of such a matrix is considered to be Albert Humphrey. For ten years, beginning in 1960, he used the tool to compare large corporations in the United States. At that time, the purpose SWOT analysis was to obtain reliable information about the potential capabilities of companies. When the effectiveness of this type of brainstorming was proven, many organizations adopted it.

Today, most universities curricula consider this tool. Students are asked to choose an organization and conduct a detailed analysis. The SWOT analysis for students should be based on real-life examples. An abstract representation allows only a superficial understanding of the topic. But to get the most out of it, you should practice. For this, you will have to spend a lot of time. As a result, you will learn to quickly compile a matrix of weaknesses and strengths, potential risks, and opportunities.

Many teachers and top managers advise starting with a personality analysis. This is quite an interesting approach, which will help to raise self-esteem, clearly articulate life goals and find solutions to existing problems.

The SWOT analysis about yourself, as for companies, is done by completing a table in sequence. It consists of several blocks and nested lists. We will discuss the practical application of the method in more detail in one of the next sections of this review.

The Building Blocks of SWOT Analysis

This is one of the most important strategic planning tools in different spheres of life. SWOT analysis allows you to evaluate different aspects of the enterprise for the advantages used in a fair, competitive struggle. The information obtained improves the vision of the real situation and potential opportunities that can significantly improve the position of the company.

As previously mentioned, the acronym SWOT includes four aspects of analysis. Let’s consider each of them in the following table.

What is SWOT Analysis: photo 1

The SWOT matrix diagram allows you to assess the company’s strategic position. It is not a tool for operational planning, but a valuable resource for forming long-term goals.

The information obtained as a result of the analysis has the following impact on managerial decisions:

  • identifying strengths allows you to get the most out of the available assets;
  • identification of weaknesses provides an opportunity to revise the current strategy and select effective solutions to existing problems;
  • analysis of opportunities helps unlock potential and gain a competitive advantage through innovative technologies;
  • threat identification helps develop a step-by-step action plan when unforeseen circumstances arise.

You can view a ready-made SWOT analysis student example to understand each component better. Such information is publicly available online and published on many thematic sites.

The matrix consists of four blocks, each including an overview of one aspect of the analysis. The upper part looks at the positive and negative internal factors, and the lower part shows the risks and opportunities. This classic structure is found in books, online publications, and corporate reports.

Next, we will talk about the goal of the analysis, which should be involved in creating the matrix, where to take the information, and to whom to provide the finished report.

Who and Why Should Do a SWOT Analysis?

Often the initiator is the business owner or the board of directors. It all depends on the size of the company. Since this tool is quite versatile, it can be used by different company divisions. The results are provided to the head of the department, who develops a more effective management strategy.

As mentioned earlier, this topic is not only relevant to commercial organizations. It can be used to determine personal potential for career advancement.

It is necessary to understand that the goal of a SWOT analysis is to get the most basic information about all external and internal factors that directly or indirectly influence the business. Using this data, you can adjust your goals, acquire the necessary assets, and eliminate problems that hinder development.

Main reasons why every manager must apply this tool in their work:

  • comprehensive assessment. Different indicators are considered, available assets are considered, and competitive advantages and weaknesses are identified. This allows you to get a clear picture of the real situation;
  • strategic planning. Having received a report, a manager can intelligently reallocate resources, hire experienced specialists, and buy new equipment. All this will favorably affect financial results in the long term;
  • correct company management. Very often, the cause of bankruptcy and reduced profits is the low qualification of managers. They don’t use analytical tools, don’t hold brainstorming sessions, or do other activities to improve corporate efficiency. SWOT analysis paper will help change the situation for the better, providing information to make informed decisions;
  • understanding the relationship between internal and external factors. Even if a company uses innovative technology and has the right assets, this does not always guarantee success and prosperity. Customer preferences, as well as the current market environment, must be taken into account;
  • identification of competitive advantages. Even one feature of a company can sometimes turn everything upside down. The main thing is objectively assessing other organizations, not underestimating their merits and achievements. Only in this way can you get relevant data and identify your strengths, on which you can bet in the competition;
  • the right allocation of resources. What are opportunities in a SWOT analysis? These are external factors that have a positive impact on the company. Taking them into account, you can adjust the work of some departments to improve production and sales efficiency;
  • risk reduction. Assessment of external threats is critical in the analysis. It lets you remove “rose-colored glasses” and see the real picture. You can suffer great financial losses if you stake only in strengths and potential opportunities. That’s why you must consider the market situation, analyze supply and demand, and influence legislation on the concrete business sphere.

In addition, SWOT analysis helps establish communication between the various enterprise departments. Managers begin to cooperate more closely, considering the updated strategic plan. Each side expresses its opinion, offers a list of improvements, and provides information on available resources. As a result, the company creates a step-by-step algorithm of actions to use assets and solve possible problems effectively in the shortest possible time.

What is SWOT Analysis: photo 2

Writing a Well-Structured SWOT Analysis

At first glance, this procedure may seem very simple. It all depends on the scale of the company. You can handle the task in just an hour if you evaluate yourself.

But how to write a SWOT analysis paper for a large enterprise? We recommend using the following algorithm:

  1. Determine who is in charge. If you are the manager or owner of the organization, then you should make a list of the departments and employees responsible for providing the information needed for the analysis. The more experts involved, the more accurate the results will be. If you don’t want to handle this issue yourself or don’t have time for such actions, you can delegate authority to direct subordinates or a freelancer;
  2. Create a table. The classic version consists of two columns and two rows of equal size. It can be drawn on paper or filled in the matrix on the computer. In addition, many free applications allow you to write SWOT analysis. This is very handy because you can give different employees access to the document and enter data in parallel to speed up the process;
  3. Analyze every aspect of your business. If there is a lot of information, divide it into categories and schedule meetings with responsible managers to discuss important issues. We highly recommend using different brainstorming techniques to increase the efficiency of this step;
  4. Group the data and fill in the matrix. Some strengths can be combined into one item so that the list looks compact and does not mislead the manager;
  5. Print out the table and distribute it to your decision-making colleagues. If using an app, share the link in a corporate messenger, or use any standard method of communication.

What is SWOT Analysis: photo 3

And now, it’s worth looking at the third item on the previous list. How to write a SWOT analysis correctly and not miss important details? It is necessary to analyze all aspects of the company. And to do this, it is necessary to find answers to the following questions, which are given as an example:

  • What kind of feedback about the organization is prevalent in the community?
  • Why isn’t the previously used sales strategy working?
  • What achievements can we brag about to our competitors?
  • Are new technologies being used to improve productivity?
  • Is there enough demand for the products or services offered?
  • Why are employees constantly being laid off, and no new ones can be found?
  • Are there particularities in local laws that may affect the business?
  • Is delivering goods on your transport profitable, or is it better to use private carriers?

There are hundreds of such issues to consider to write a SWOT analysis. Again, we are talking about large enterprises. In the simplest case, their number would be a few dozen. But the more details are considered, the more accurate the results will be. And this will make it possible to make the right decisions and increase business productivity.

After filling out the matrix, you can assign each item a certain number of points, depending on its impact on the corporation. If you work with a team, offer all employees to assign scores and then calculate the average value for each factor.

In our SWOT review, you should also be sure to divide the results of the analysis into groups for subsequent decision-making:

What is SWOT Analysis: photo 4

Or each cell of the matrix can be evaluated separately. It all depends on the study’s goals, which are determined before the analysis begins.

Common Mistakes to Watch Out for in SWOT Analysis

Many marketers or business unit managers often make serious mistakes when doing a SWOT analysis. This can have dire consequences if the wrong decisions are made. Here is a list of points worth paying special attention to:

  • failure to take into account competitor’s strengths. If you overlook the weaknesses of other organizations, it is not so critical. But the lack of information about strong positions can hurt the analysis results. You need to pay attention to new players who have just entered the market. Do not forget about the so-called “Amazon phenomenon,” when a corporation can expand its influence on uncharacteristic niches;
  • no comprehensive evaluation is used. Each matrix cell is evaluated separately, not considering information from neighboring blocks. This is a big mistake, leading to a distorted view of strengths and weaknesses;
  • incorrect goal-setting and choice of implementers. Initially, it is worth deciding on the direction of the study. You can’t just order the managers to writing a SWOT. You have to find out which departments should be involved and who will be affected by the decisions you make;
  • poor assessment of external factors. They may have a strong impact on the company. But many managers miss important details and consider only the information that lies on the surface;
  • violation of the analysis algorithm. Earlier, we talked about the sequence of actions. You can get incorrect results if you skip one of the steps or perform them in a different order.

It is recommended first to examine all the strengths and weaknesses to find possible solutions. And only after that consider the opportunities and threats. This will allow you not to get confused with a variety of information. You will spend much less time if you do the SWOT analysis gradually, moving from one stage to the next.

Only professional ‘write my paper‘ services with experienced writers can guarantee you results. Bid4Papers remains the highest quality.

Essay Editing Tips

July 14th, 2023

The Importance of Essay Editing

The quality of your academic paper has a significant impact on your grades. To improve your reputation in academia, you should editing an essay before submitting it to your professor for review. It is not uncommon for students to use the services of professionals for this purpose, who can help find and correct even the most minor spelling or stylistic errors.

Cover to the article

Editing helps to clarify the text and make it more understandable for readers. Here are the main reasons why is it important to proofread your writing:

  • increase credibility. If there are a lot of typos and other flaws in the text, the work is difficult to understand, and it can discourage readers. You get the feeling that student are poorly versed in the topic and do not care about the quality of the content. Editing can improve the work and prove that the author is trustworthy;
  • objective assessment of the situation. Re-checking will help find weak points in the text, which indicate subjectivity of the opinion and one-sided consideration of the topic. And for essays, a comprehensive approach and using different arguments and evidence are important. This significantly increases the quality of academic writing;
  • consistent presentation of the material. An academic paper should consist of logically connected components. Student essay editing will help to establish the right cause-and-effect connections so that the narrative makes sense and becomes more interesting to read. It is mandatory to use an introduction, make conclusions at the end;
  • increase the level of professionalism. Paying attention to correction, you demonstrate a desire to develop, to improve in this direction.

Research and essay writing are important stages. But the process does not end there because it is necessary to check the paper. Very often, students are given a limited amount of time, and they don’t have time to do the editing. Therefore, planning all the activities and making a step-by-step checklist, including proofreading, is necessary.

When the author is immersed in the research process, they may overlook some details and evaluate the topic only from one side. As a result, the scientific value of the essay is reduced. Also, overly complicated wording that is incomprehensible to most readers may be used.

Professional essay editors will help you properly evaluate the text’s structure and logicality. An outsider’s view, in most cases, allows you to identify the spelling errors the student missed.

Below we will tell you about the most common mistakes and give you some proven tips that will help to improve the quality of academic writing.

Difference Between Editing and Proofreading

Previously, we have already mentioned that after writing a research paper, you should edit essay yourself or use essay editing services at It is worth noting that there are some differences between proofreading and editing. However, many students combine them into one procedure, which ultimately does not give the expected result and hurts the grading by the teacher.

Essay Editing Tips photo 1

Proofreading involves checking for the following errors in the text:

 Punctuation Incorrect use of punctuation marks: periods, commas, colons. Incorrect placement of question marks, dashes, and quotation marks can be misleading and create ambiguity in reading. As a result, the structure of sentences is disrupted, which negatively affects the evaluation of academic work.
Spelling Incorrect spelling of words. Such errors include elementary typos, which may indicate the author’s low level of professionalism.
Grammar Misuse of language features and rules related to verb tenses, turns, and consistency between different parts of speech.

Using the services of the authors of our ‘write my paper‘ company is a guarantee of the correct structure of the text. But there are doubts about the arrangement of punctuation and the spelling of certain terms. This is the final stage of verification, which should be performed before submitting the work for review.

If it is necessary to bring clarity to the paragraph and make the narrative consistent and logical, then editing is necessary. This is quite a complicated procedure, which requires some skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, asking professionals for help or using special online tools is better.

The following comparative table describes the key features of each of these procedures. This will allow you to understand the topic better and make the best decision in the final review of the text:

Editing Proofreading
It is very time-consuming because you need to carefully read the text and understand its structure and the essence of the topic at hand Editing your essay only takes two or three hours if the paper is several dozen pages long.
It is possible to use different approaches, considering the style of writing, the purpose of the project, and the author’s individual preferences. Many services offer to choose the best option for checking. The procedure is performed according to strict rules.
Eliminates basic writing problems. Allows you to correct misspelled words and correct punctuation.
The editor will consult with the student to ensure the review results meet all requirements. Third-party services or specialists can perform it without the author’s direct involvement.
The number of words may vary as some paragraphs are deleted, and new ones are added to elaborate on the chosen topic. Correcting an essay has no significant effect on the size of the text.
It is carried out after the writing of the primary document and can be carried out in several stages to achieve the desired result. Performed at the end of the draft check before sending it to the instructor.

It is worth understanding that proofreading is a superficial check which allows you to eliminate grammatical errors. Particular attention should be paid to editing so that each written word makes sense and does not break the expression logic.

It is worth using only proven services to proofread or edit your research papers. The best of them remains Bid4Papers.

If you are interested in how to edit an essay to make it better, it is important to consider every aspect of the revision, followed by changes. Next, we will look at common mistakes, which include neglecting to correct typos. Therefore, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach to such problems. You can always ask your supervisor for help if you have any doubts. He will point out the weaknesses and send for revision, if necessary.

Proven Tips for Successful Editing

After writing a term paper or diploma project, you should not immediately send the text to your teacher. Below we will give valuable recommendations on revising and how to revise and edit an essay to improve the document’s quality significantly.

Essay Editing Tips photo 2

First of all, you need to make a short pause before you start editing. You need to relax and not think about the chosen topic for a while. Two days are enough to change how you think and perceive information differently. Your essay will be perceived differently, which will allow you to see some shortcomings and make important changes.

It is also worth paying attention to the structure, which must necessarily include the following components:

  1. Introduction. It superficially reveals the topic and assesses its relevance and value for solving certain tasks.
  2. The main part. It considers the theoretical basis and the analysis of each of the different argument. The correct sequence of thoughts is critical.
  3. Conclusion. The text’s logical conclusion should offer possible solutions to the problem discussed.

In the end, it is necessary to make a list of all the sources used so that readers can check the reliability of the information, if necessary.

The next important tip, if you need essays edit before sending them to your supervisor, is to check for simplicity of presentation. Here are some recommendations that will help improve the quality of the paper:

  • the text should be clear and exclude misinterpretation;
  • do not use long, confusing sentences with many punctuation marks;
  • carefully read the text and remove jargon and overly complex language;
  • analyze the reasoning, cause, and effect relationships so that the narrative makes sense and is logical.

Many experts also advise reading the essay aloud because, in this situation, the brain perceives the information better. This will allow you to detect other spelling and grammatical errors and eliminate tautology and unnecessary words.

It is also good practice to use a dynamic sentence. That is, the number of words can vary. For example, a short call to action is followed by a detailed explanation. Readers will appreciate such an approach, which will add variety and make the text more unpredictable. But try not to make sentences too long. Let them take no more than two lines with standard indents on the left and right.

The same goes for paragraphs. The ideal height is four to seven lines. If it is less, then it is worth merging this block with the previous one without breaking the logic of the narrative. And if there is more text, it’s better to divide it into two parts.

Do not hesitate to ask the opinion of your classmates, friends, and other teachers. Feedback from different people allows you to get a full picture of the work. You will be prompted which components should be improved and what to delete or rewrite. You’ll discover the mistakes you didn’t notice before. And you may not have to ask for help from professional essay editors.

A man writes in a notebook

Be sure to check each statement by asking the following questions:

  • Is the statement clear enough, and does it not cause a misunderstanding of the topic?
  • Is the thesis statement too obvious and irrelevant? Would it be better to remove it from the text?
  • Is it possible to evaluate a particular statement objectively using different arguments and points of view?

The following technique may seem very unusual to many people. It involves reading the text in reverse order. Start with the conclusion and gradually move to the introduction. At first, this procedure may break your brain a little, but soon you will look at the essence of the topic presented differently, see problematic areas in the structure, and notice even the smallest typos.

We recommend you do the editing in several stages with a break of one or two days. Two options are available. You can evaluate certain components of the structure comprehensively. For example, edit the introduction and theoretical framework today and carefully check the argumentation and all points of view tomorrow.

Alternatively, read the entire text. But make changes to only one of the items on the editing an essay checklist. First, evaluate the consistency of your writing. The next day, pay attention to mistakes in words.

Then you can analyze the citations and check the resource’s reliability and the correctness of formatting by generally accepted standards. This kind of separation takes more time but allows you to work through each paragraph of the document thoroughly.

Even when you have the final version of the research paper, rereading it aloud one more time is advisable. Filter the information and make final adjustments to guarantee the highest quality of the text and expect to receive a high score.

Common Mistakes to Watch Out for During Essay Editing

If you need to edit a paper, you should consider the following common mistakes:

  • disregard of grammatical rules. Incorrect spelling of words can indicate a low literacy level in the student. Even if you have done a complex research paper, but there are many typos in the text, the teacher may immediately send the text for revision;
  • improper structure. Earlier, we have already talked about the sequence of components. It is quite strict, and it is not recommended to violate it. Otherwise, the text will be difficult to understand;
  • repetition of paragraphs. One of the requirements for writing an essay is a given number of characters. It is not uncommon for authors to duplicate content to get the right figures. But if a supervisor discovers such manipulation, it will be considered a serious mistake;
  • using a low-quality essay proofreading service. There are many such web resources on the Internet. But not all of them can be trusted with such work. You should first read the reviews, choose only proven performers with a good reputation and an acceptable cost of services;
  • lack of original idea. Some students do not want to waste time searching for unique topics. After all, for this, you need to use additional sources of information. It is easier to take ready-made materials and edit them. This approach can work if the grade is not important and you need to get a passing grade. But for career development, this option is not acceptable;
  • disregard for formatting rules. There are standards for essay formatting regarding lists, paragraphs, citations, and other elements. Be sure to consult your teacher and clarify all the requirements. Alternatively, use generally accepted standards, such as MLA;
  • you do not need to correct an essay immediately after writing it. You need to rest for a few days and refresh your thoughts so that you can see the true essence of what you’ve written when you’re tested;
  • boring introduction. One of the most common mistakes. Of course, we are not discussing the lack of jokes or other entertaining content. But you should intrigue readers from the first seconds, pointing out the topic’s relevance in today’s world.

Book and pen with ink

It is also worth paying attention to the conclusions. But many people miss this important point. It is necessary to list each point’s main thesis and arguments briefly. This component should not only put a point in your work but also encourage further reflection.

Be sure to read the guidelines on how to proofread professionally because it is an integral part of the editing procedure. Checking for errors should be done at the very end, not at the beginning, as many authors believe.

Another mistake is considered to be ignoring the instructor’s instructions. After discussing your chosen topic, you should consult with your supervisor and get answers to any questions. You may be given a writing checklist, the content of which also includes steps to editing an essay.

Essentially, you get a ready-made guide, following which you can get an excellent grade. You can save a lot of time if you are persistent and unafraid to clarify controversial points.

Don’t forget that even the most reputable services for the best essay editing it is important to use it wisely.. Even after the intervention of an experienced expert, it is worth reading the text once again, reading the changes made, and making final adjustments if necessary.

When checking, the number of useless words should be taken into account. They increase the volume of the text but have no value. On the contrary, if the teacher notices that there are a lot of unnecessary words in the work, it may cause doubts about your professionalism.

We recommend rereading the essay editing tips published in this review’s previous section to avoid common mistakes. You can also find many reference guides on the Internet, which will help improve academic writing quality.

Footnotes: A Step-by-Step Guide with Word Instructions

July 13th, 2023

What are Footnotes?

Footnotes are another way to structure your article and distribute information properly. Footnotes allow students to cite sources at the very end of the article rather than constantly talking about authorship. Thanks to this, you can designate authorship, different sources of information, references, quotations, and more. As a result, the text will be more concise and easy to read. We show examples of a footnote and tell you how to insert them into the work properly.

Cover to the article

Footnotes VS Endnotes

Good footnotes examples are always created according to a few essential rules that will not confuse readers and still be within the bounds of good research paper writing. An index is often put after the last word of the sentence in which there is a cited fragment or other relevant information. The index is put after all punctuation marks, including commas, but not including dashes.

When asking how to write footnotes, remember to create them sequentially, starting with one and going on. You can conveniently use Word or Google Docs, as discussed below. However, you need to understand the difference between regular footnotes and endnotes. Here are their features:

  • footnote. The critical difference is that the text and the link to the publication are on the same page as the footnote. This means you need to leave space for the information at the bottom of the page;
  • an endnote. On the contrary, are placed at the end of your scientific work under a separate heading of notes. Usually, the standard rules apply here, with the location in the center, an inch from the beginning of the page.

With this distribution, you can distribute information intelligently over the pages. However, remember that most academic advisors prefer to use endnotes only. So check with your professor or supervisor beforehand about the method you should use. There is no fundamental difference between the two, but it is an opportunity to get a few extra points into your piggy bank.

Here are some essential footnotes in word parameters that will help you distribute information correctly:

  • the footnote number should be the same as the index that was used in the article, followed by a period;
  • always include in the information inside the footnote the exact page number or unique number from which the information was taken. This will help locate your source and verify its authenticity;
  • the first footnote to a particular source should contain as much information about the scholarly material you are taking as possible.

A penguin writes notes in a notebook

Now the difference between footnotes and endnotes will not be a big secret to you, and you can set them correctly to get a good result. Here is an example of a small footnote that refers to a new source for the first time.

  1. Alex Cotton, The Peculiarities of Table Sorting, 1888-1914 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001), 88.

This is an example of the first footnote, but you should also show an example of subsequent references to the source. They will be much more straightforward and concise because you have covered the publication. However, you should still include the page from which the information, quotation, or other relevant data was taken.

  1. Cotton, The Peculiarities of Table Sorting, 105
  2. Cotton, The Peculiarities of Table Sorting, 77

Try to practice writing footnotes as much as possible so that you can put them down without unnecessary delay. This is an essential part of any essay. It is also your personal assistant and text reference point, which will not allow you to get confused.

Setting up Footnotes in Word and Google Docs

More often than not, the question of how to do footnote citation is quite difficult for students to answer, especially if they have not worked with these programs too much before and were engaged only in writing essays. However, everything can be learned, and therefore it is recommended to follow simple instructions:

  1. You first need to find the place in the text where you want to place the footnote. Click on the Links tab and click on the Insert Footnote button. Immediately after that, you will have your first footnote.
  2. Next, you need to check that everything works as it should. In this case, you will have two footnotes appear at once. One number will be in the body of your paper, and the other will be at the bottom of the page.
  3. Next comes the citing in footnotes, which you need to fill in the information. You can write everything in the footnotes. Be sure to keep in mind the need to edit everything according to the supervisor’s rules. Familiarize yourself with them, or request a copy if you don’t have them.

A person is typing on a laptop

You can quickly return to where you started if you click a number. Consider this proper citing in footnotes, which will give you a good score for using the tool. You can edit other work settings by clicking the arrow next to the footnotes group. Check out the different features and choose the best option for your essay.

Footnote usage via Google Docs won’t be much more difficult, so you can also handle this task. It’s enough to use another instruction that our experts have compiled:

  1. As in the first case, choose the right place for your footnote.
  2. After that, open the Insert tab in the top panel. Select “Footnotes” and look at the result.
  3. Two numbers should have appeared. You put the citation and all the useful additional information next to the number in the footer.

And so you have no problem coping with this task, and hence now guaranteed to be able to put a footnote in your research paper. To create the following footnotes, you will also need to click on the same buttons. Be sure to clarify the design style with your teachers not to mix up the rules and perform the work for the maximum score.

Citing Sources in Footnotes

It is imperative to remember that your footnotes in essays must be done appropriately and designed. Only in this case, the student can count on a sufficiently high score and the opportunity to get a positive review from the teacher. Therefore, let’s immediately determine a few critical points of their placement.

First of all, here are a few essential rules:

  • all the names of the authors of scientific or artistic publications should be given in full. That is, with the first name and initials before his name. If the author of the publication is unknown, you can specify so;
  • it is necessary to consider the spelling rules in English because here they also work. All titles are written with a capital letter, and information about the publication of the book, article, or magazine should be given in parentheses;
  • it is the commas that should act as separators between the various elements of the quotation. Usually, the page is separated from the name and title.

It is also important to remember that journal titles should be italicized if they have been printed before. But in the opposite case, it is worth underlining them, which will immediately give the supervisor the information he needs.

It is still essential to follow the stylistic rules of your university, college, or supervisor. That’s why you should clarify them several times and apply them correctly. Running into a few additional questions or even redoing the work is possible. That’s why we recommend that platform authors drop as extensive guidelines and design rules as possible so that all the requirements write your research paper for the educational institution.

The cat flips through the book

Footnote Numbering and Placement

The footnote numbering is often classical; therefore, you do not have to guess here for long. However, in any case, it is better to get specific requirements from your teacher and use them to achieve the correct result. Formatting is as vital as the content; therefore, you can not neglect the rules and standards, especially if you claim to get the highest grade possible.

Start to write footnotes should choose the correct numbering according to their appearance in the document. Each footnote should have a unique number, which was assigned only to it, and that’s it. The numbers must change even if you want to resort to the same source several times. It starts with 1 and continues to 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.

Since you already know how to add footnotes in an essay, you need to understand that usually, the numbers are put at the end of the sentence in which the information is taken. The only exception is sentenced with a dash ending because, in that case, the index should appear before that word. Also, you do not need to add an extra space before the number because those are the standard rules.

Footnotes in MLA Style

The first thing the student needs to understand is that MLA format footnote most often does not allow the use of long footnotes or endnotes. At the same time, the classic style guide allows such an option; therefore, they should be used to add information to the readers. With such footnotes, you can increase the data readers can get.

In this case, a few essential recommendations are best to follow strictly. This allows you to add the necessary elements without breaking the MLA formatting footnotes. It is recommended that indexes be placed outside commas, periods, or other punctuation marks. The exception still only applies to dashes, which require an index before them.

Here are the most useful recommendations:

  • you should place the footnote in the middle of a sentence, adding purely after the last comma;
  • if you need to place a footnote at the end, you should add a number already after the sentence point;
  • only in the case of dashes can you add the index before the last punctuation mark.
  1. Citations of marginalia refer to George’s edition and include page numbers.

Using the automatic footnote system in your program where you type is best. An indentation should also be added at the beginning of the footnote to help make it look right. All in all, everything can be done automatically, so you shouldn’t have too many problems.

A man makes notes in a notebook

Footnotes in Chicago Style

Most often, in this case, citing sources with footnotes is only used for that purpose, but various comments on the source can supplement them. You can also clarify something if you have touched on it in the main text. The main rule is to place a footnote at the end of a paragraph requiring some citation. In doing so, the footnote contains all the source data when you first cite it.

After that, you can already use the short form. When asking what is a footnote in an essay, you should also consider what precisely such additional information includes. They are usually at the very end and work according to several rules:

  • you will need to write the number at the beginning of the additional footnote in plain text and only after that put a period with a space;
  • it is worth adding an extra indent at the beginning of each footnote above the number;
  • students use single spacing and leave a special blank line between different footnotes.
  1. George Clooney, “Some Title Text,” March 11, 2022,

This is an example of how to use footnotes to cite. Try making a few footnotes yourself, and you’ll soon learn how to do it automatically. The rules and complex requirements are not as numerous as they may seem at first glance. And that is why students often cope with this kind of task without any problems and successfully get the highest marks for the project. Consider the reader first, and you won’t have unnecessary problems.

Footnotes in APA Style

Such examples of footnotes in an essay will fundamentally differ from other design styles because of their peculiarity. They can be used exclusively to provide their audience with additional information that will clarify and complement the presented theses in the main text. In this case, the classic citation is made unusually: the conclusion is in parentheses.

At the same time, it is essential to be as responsible as possible in creating such footnotes because they are designed to provide examples, explanations, and other additional facts. The very concept of APA prohibits the inclusion of false information, and therefore it is necessary to double-check the arguments and explanations used. Also, such footnotes may indicate copyright in those works where necessary.

  1. Therapy, by Centers for Disease Control, 2019 ( In the public domain.

It is recommended that you create such footnotes using automated systems. Just work with Word or Google Docs, where you can make handy footnotes in a few clicks. We already gave detailed instructions above. It pays to add an indentation at the beginning of each sentence. The index should be at the top, followed by another space.

Notepad and pencil on a phone background

Tips for Writing Footnotes

A student needs to understand the footnotes purpose and use them in time in their essay. It is straightforward to forget this necessity and get too carried away with writing. Distributing footnotes already after completing the research paper is a bad idea because you can fail to include essential sources and lose several points.

In general, for the first time, it is recommended to ask for help from experts or your supervisor, who will show you the correct design of such text elements. Doing so will allow you to distribute information efficiently and not clutter your article with references to every article you read. You need to be fully transparent regarding the data used and not expand your reference list to the size of an individual essay.

Here are a few more recommendations:

  • try to think of the reader. First, you need to make reading your research paper easier and more informative through footnotes. It is necessary to convey helpful information to the audience as effectively as possible without overloading your text. An excessive number of footnotes can be irritating and even very distracting from reading, and that effect you do not want to achieve;
  • improve the text, but do not make it voluminous. Try to make each footnote at least for yourself to justify so that the information makes sense and is helpful for the audience. Valuable additions and quotations help to open up the topic more deeply and give readers the opinions of authorities. However, the information should still only be supplemental, and the potential reader should understand the meaning of your research paper without it;
  • adhere to the stated design styles. Be sure to take care of the correct formatting of the paper because it dramatically affects the possibility of receiving higher grades. Remember that only one style should be used for the entire paper. Otherwise, you will get too heterogeneous text, which will be challenging to read, and the supervisor will not appreciate it.

Now you know precisely what are footnote citations and how to use them correctly in your research papers. Thanks to this, you can write essays much more efficiently and cite authors correctly. Don’t forget to disclose the source in the first footnote, and be sure to take the opportunity to give additional explanations. All this can help you find the right contact with your audience and give the broadest possible relevance to the information.

We recommend contacting your professor again to learn more about your institution’s accepted style. Stick to the recommendations or get them and try collaborating with the authors of our ‘write my paper for me‘ service. This will help you save time and meet all the designated requirements. Good luck creating the right footnotes for you!

Mastering the Art of Music Essay Writing

July 13th, 2023

Understanding the Unique Nature of Music Essays

Experts believe that write about music is a real art, so all art students should become more familiar with this process. A research paper or essay on such topics will require a lot of creativity and the ability to structure your work properly. Despite exciting topics and ambiguous reasoning, you will still need to write within specific rules and tell all about selecting a topic, conducting research, and organizing the work.

Cover to the article: Mastering the Art of Music Essay Writing

Choosing a Music Essay Topic

Very often, writing about music is accompanied by the need to delve as deeply as possible into the topic and learn about all the peculiarities of this kind of work. Thanks to this, you can use the maximum number of arguments and facts you are guaranteed to need. The discipline itself is pervasive in various thoughts and possible ways to write, which means you will be able to cope.

Initially, looking for an essay about music on the internet is almost useless because the rules remain standard. Even the footnotes will have to be done as in a regular research paper, but what is different is the ability to choose a suitable topic. Try to choose topics close to you, for example, more technical tools. Or, for example, more emotional and debatable abstractions and feelings.

Here are some classic options that are guaranteed to work for most students:

  • concert discussion. This type is easiest for people who enjoy such events. Try to describe as much detail as possible and use scholarly terms to describe the speakers, their instruments, and the atmosphere;
  • historical analysis of the music. The key goal of the student, in this case, is to relate a musical genre or a particular song to the historical context at the time. In-depth research must be done, and all the details must be elucidated;
  • analysis of a particular song. Such an essay allows you to determine the compatibility of the song’s lyrics with the music used. Try to be objective and resort to facts and comparisons rather than subjective opinion;
  • comparison of different works. Make comparisons of several works or even one work in different performances. A classic scholarly paper structure will help you so you don’t get confused anywhere.

A painted bird listens to music in headphones

When answering the question of what is a music essay, the structure within the research paper should also remain standard. That is, you will have an introduction, the central part, and the conclusion of your essay. Despite the creative topics, students have to write just like the mathematicians in their department. After all, you are doing scientific research, so you should not deviate much from the given requirements and standards.

In the following table, we will suggest topics about music that may interest you with a compelling message. This is an opportunity to choose the line of narration closest to you and allow you to solve the problem without unnecessary problems.

Topic 1 topic 2
How tightly are religion and music linked Why the guitar has become so popular in the world
The Influence of Music on Modern Society How a person’s taste in music changes throughout life
Is it worth it to start listening to music What genres of music do young people like best and why
Whether schools should try to promote music education What negative aspects of music do you know
Can listening to music change your mood The evolution of music from the 10th century to the present
The influence of the media on contemporary music and its popularity Can music improve the emotional state of a teenager
The Influence of Western Culture on the Music Industry in the World The main styles of music and their offshoots
Why certain genres of music die over time Would musicians become popular without their connections: examples
How rap can be a manifestation of rebellion Can people who listen to music be different intellectually from people who don’t listen to it?
Is it possible to live a life without music How to guess a person’s favorite genre of music by his appearance

Each such research topic about music will allow you to go much deeper into the topic and tell the audience about one of the existing problems or solutions. At the same time, you should prepare well for your presentation and write a great essay that the readers will positively perceive. To do this, you must do in-depth research, which we will discuss further.

Conducting In-Depth Music Research

A quality music college essay will require much effort and adherence to research paper norms. You will need to choose a suitable topic and, after that, get to work to create a research paper as quickly as possible.

Here are a few steps that you will need to follow for the essay writing about music to go well:

  1. Analyze the topic. To write about music essay, you will need to dig deep into the topic and all aspects of it. This will help you gather the necessary information and gain access to arguments you can later fill your research paper with. Thanks to this, your chances of interest in the reader will significantly increase, which means you can navigate more freely in your thesis statement and present it correctly. You should also not take too heavy material for the first time because it can lead to you not performing it at a decent level.
  2. Formulate a competent thesis statement. Ask yourself why the audience and the world need your essay. Doing this lets you form a thesis statement that includes the main issue. Later, during the central part of the work, you will need to disclose them competently and present them to the audience. Sometimes students can write abstracts at the end when they fully understand the topic and formulate the main idea.
  3. Know your audience. Be sure to work on your audience because it is to them that you will present your essay. In this regard, it’s essential, after analyzing the information in the article, to choose the main arguments and learn how to present them. Part of the audience may not be interested in the issue, so you need to get them interested and show the benefit of your acquired knowledge. Try to find common ground, and do not forget that you are the expert and, therefore, must be confident.
  4. Organize the information you get. Many different data, arguments, and facts are good for scientific work. But you will always have specific limits on the number of words or sections. You must learn to cut off all the secondary and leave only the most important fragments. Divide the accumulated information into mandatory, in-depth, and generalized for immersion. Some of it can be thrown out to become more concise and believable.
  5. Proceed to create your first draft. It can be hard the first time how to write a music review, but eventually, you’ll get the hang of it and get a positive result. This means you must proceed directly to the writing as quickly as possible. Even if it’s not too good work in the future, you can correct everything. Experts say working with a finished text is much easier than a blank page.

Cartoon character listens to music

Even the most straightforward music topics for essay will require you to dive deep and acquire maximum expertise. Only in this way can you be sure that your essay will be properly perceived by the readers and highly appreciated. It is necessary not to deviate from the classic construction of a research paper and try to be as objective as possible. This will help you withstand criticism and provide counterarguments.

Do not forget also to think about your audience in the first place. You need to analyze and understand it correctly:

  • people’s interest in the problem;
  • their knowledge of the situation;
  • what kind of opinions they can hold on the issue at hand.

Thanks to this, you will be much more productive in making your theses and arguments and choosing the right wording. Do not forget that, in the first place. You need to prove your point of view is the audience. And so they must correctly understand your thoughts, not be confused by difficult terms, and fully share with you the correct position. And to do this, you need to stick to a certain style, not forget about the logical arguments, and gradually build up your thesis statement about music. Ultimately, you’ll get a positive result and be proud of your work.

Organizing Your Thoughts and Ideas for Writing Music Essay 

After choosing the right research paper topics music, you need to start structuring your thoughts and organizing your research paper as efficiently as possible. By doing this, you’ll be able to properly allocate your work to all the significant steps and create a great structure to help you write. This is, in fact, the same assignment as many other research papers, and therefore the only difference will be the direct connection to music.

To make writing an essay about music, not a big problem, you need to follow a few practical steps:

  1. Introduction. Remember the classic structure of any research paper when asking yourself how to write a conclusion for a music essay. This allows you to keep within the standard rules and requirements of the professor to please the audience. You can begin with an inspirational quote or reference in the first paragraph. Describe the topic of your paper, and don’t forget to put a question or add a doubt at the end. This will set the tone for the entire essay and keep it clear on the chosen topic.
  2. Thesis statement. As with any research paper, you need a solid thesis statement that you will rely on throughout your writing. Don’t forget to assemble a whole argumentative paragraph that will prove your thesis statement. The statement itself should be connected to and flow from the arguments. To properly compose your thesis statement, you can first write your paper and leave this field blank. This makes it much easier to choose the right words and succinctly formulate the statement.
  3. The main text. This is where your chosen topic’s main aspects will be disclosed. It is necessary to specify facts, arguments, various statements, and other fragments of the essay that will strengthen your thesis statement. It is worth a minimum of three full paragraphs that will guide your main thought on the topic. If the size of the piece allows, consider other points of view as well. This will help you finish the paper correctly later on and give some of the necessary counterarguments in advance.
  4. Argumentation. Next, you must create your main paragraph with a squeeze of arguments, facts, and exact figures. This will help you include additional quotes from different composers or notes that will help readers make sense of the topic of your essay. Be sure to use the authority of various sources to solidify your position and bring your audience closer to your opinion. Using such a paragraph dramatically increases a student’s chances of getting a positive reaction from readers.
  5. Conclusion. In the end, you will need to summarize all of the above and summarize. Allow your thesis statement to unfold and affirm your chosen position fully. You can also end your essay with a rhetorical question or paraphrase your thesis statement. By doing this, you’ll close the work and make it more complete for the audience. You can’t use the exact words, but you can explain the thesis statement differently.

A hand writing an essay

Remember that even a simple song analysis essay, which seems very easy to write, will be subjected to this structure. At the same time, you should also not forget the need to proofread your work. Thanks to this, you will be unable to make mistakes and get more marks during the presentation.

Among other things, argumentative essay topics on music are perfect for helping you understand different genres and styles of music. You should not treat your work as a chore because it hurts the final result. Only your in-depth understanding of the chosen issue will help you deliver the right point of view and convince the other participants in your report. It is necessary to work with the audience, and then analyzing a song essay will be a fun adventure, not complicated and tedious work.

We can also advise you to follow a few simple guidelines:

  • music essay writing will require you to have factual language. Thanks to this, the question of how to write an essay about music will disappear. That’s because it’s a research paper, just like any other. And that’s why you need to use persuasive reasoning and try to refer to verifiable facts as often as possible. Don’t forget to add authoritative sources, so the audience is fully exposed to your position. Otherwise, it will be too hard to prove a particular point of view on an issue. Don’t forget to be concise as well so that readers don’t get bored as you move through the scientific material;
  • it is better to prepare for the presentation in advance. If you also have to speak with your essay, it is worth preparing all the points and your speech in advance. Use as many concise constructions as possible and speak lively language with verbs. Thanks to this, you can prepare well for the speech and show a high level in front of the supervisor. Be sure to think of various little things so that you don’t suddenly encounter them right at the presentation;
  • try to find the weak points of your essay. It’s best to read through your research paper several times and, after that, additionally, present it to your friends and family. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to discover a lot of flaws and correct them in time, allowing you to be more confident when handing in your material. Remember that if you don’t discover and eliminate weaknesses yourself, your audience or professor will. And so spend some extra time and get a positive result.

With such simple guidelines, write an essay about music will become easier and more fun so that you can complete the assignment with less effort. Start as soon as possible; it will help you avoid long thinking and putting your whole willpower together. Start and fix it if needed, rather than waiting for inspiration and doing the work at the very last moment. This therapy will save you a lot of unpleasant situations that could easily have been avoided.

A dog flips through a science book

Analyzing Musical Elements

When asking how to write music titles in an essay, remember there are different types of papers. To analyze the musical elements correctly, you must first deal with them. We recommend watching our little hint:

  • sound;
  • harmony;
  • melody;
  • rhythm;
  • growth. 

In conclusion, music consists of many elements that synergize with each other. Because of this, a high emotionality and correctness of the composition are achieved. Try during the analysis to research in detail on each of the points and achieve the desired result. Keep the audience in mind and avoid using too complicated terms or jargon.

We recommend that you start writing your essay now to complete the work as quickly as possible and get positive feedback from your instructor. Alternatively, you have an opportunity not to waste your time and effort and trust the authors of our ‘write my paper‘ service. Good luck with your writing!

A Guide to Using Transition Sentences and Logical Connectors

July 13th, 2023

Cover to the article: A Guide to Using Transition Sentences and Logical Connectors

Why are Transition Sentences and Logical Connectors Important?

Professionals and supervisors often recommend that their students use transition sentences to improve their text several times and make it more readable. In addition, students should not only use standard phrases just because of this requirement but also try to come up with their own. Thanks to this, the logical development of ideas will improve, and your paragraphs will relate to each other. While you ponder the idea of not using simple enumerations, we’ll tell you all about how the transition in sentence can change your research paper.

What is a Transition Sentence? 

In many ways, even the most straightforward sentence for transition allows you to take your idea from one paragraph to the next grade. You can do the same with theses or arguments, meaning this writing format is highly valued among grading teachers. It’s an opportunity to build your sequences into a logical chain and achieve great results.

The key goal is for your audience and individual readers to follow the narrative without difficulty. A good indicator of the proper use of such sentences is to allow the reader to answer a few questions:

  • how several concepts are related, and whether they are related at all;
  • how one premise could be the basis for a completely different concept;
  • to what extent do two different things depend on each other.

This makes the sentence with transition your primary tool for creating a logical flow of thought. The essay benefits from this because it becomes clear and fluid. It also allows you not to cut off your thoughts halfway through and start the next paragraph of unrelated text. Combine the different points of your essay to show a finished and coherent work to the entire audience.

Extremely often, transition in an essay is used precisely to connect different sentences. In this regard, it’s easy to compare them to common conjunctions, which help to form a firm connection between different objects in an academic paper. One can take as an example an ordinary conversation between two people. One cannot form a coherent speech without gaps without such sentences, so one should not do so in writing either.

There is a crucial rule that talks about commas in different situations. For example, both sentences may be complete so that a semicolon can join them. This will create a strong connection and show the relationship between the objects or phenomena. It is also an excellent opportunity to give some pauses during the reading, which will strengthen the effect of the integrity of your creation.

Cat with books

You can often write a good transition sentence example only if you initially learn the different types of English sentences. This will allow you to handle commas and place them in the right order confidently. Try organizing your work correctly because illiterate speech will eat up your points during your supervisor’s review. The linking sentences should be used in almost every main paragraph at the beginning. This will allow you to move smoothly from idea to idea and gradually immerse your readers in the material.

Authors can use a few advantages to create a logical structure. For example, you can state how one event affected the bottom line. When explaining what is a transition sentence, you can give a relatively simple example, “Alex didn’t do his homework for a month. As a result, he got a low grade.” This simple example shows that because of the explanation about failing homework, the reader immediately has the logic that he got a low grade.

To make it even simpler, you can view your entire academic paper as a large number of different bricks. Each one is a specific sentence that argues a fact, a proof, or some event. However, just putting them next to each other won’t help you build a house because it will be flimsy and fall apart quickly. You need a special mortar to hold the bricks together.

That’s precisely the kind of solution that linking sentences are. You make each piece of text work together with the other, and so you give your academic work strength. The essay becomes several times easier to read and argumentative. It helps to understand your thought and its development, which means the audience will be closer to the author and more readily agree with the arguments. Tell through transitions precisely what readers should do with the information they receive. This helps organize your narrative and make it understandable to a wide range of people.

Types of Transition Sentences

Our examples of transition sentences will often include different types of these constructions because they are used in different places in the text. Some are necessary for use between paragraphs, while others separate entire sections. Proper use will help you summarize your thoughts and reach a more concise statement. It’s a short introduction that reminds readers what they’ve learned before.

With these smooth variations of transitions, you get a much deeper understanding of the topic and don’t miss any critical aspects of the writing. You can also try different ways of conveying information this way and not lose the reader’s interest as you read your work. Use a writing format so your audience perceives each transition to a conclusion without too many problems. You allow the reader to anticipate the following data they will soon receive and use independently.

A few of the most popular ways to use essay transition sentences correctly exist. The most commonly shared options are where such connections will be most appropriate:

  • at the beginning of a separate paragraph that will signal further information and summarize the previous words;
  • as a link between several pieces of evidence and the final result. Allow your readers to understand the topic better;
  • try to use sentences with connectors at the end of each paragraph so that the reader will have already formed an opinion about the topic presented in the next.

The hand is writing an essay

This is also an excellent opportunity to create a link between your arguments and summarize them in the conclusion section. When asking how to transition between paragraphs, you must be as careful as possible about all the data presented. You can go overboard with linked sentences, confuse the reader, and give him the wrong signals. Try to use each transition for a conclusion as appropriately as possible, creating a proper and logical flow of thought from one place in the text to another.

Transitioning Between Paragraphs 

When asking what is a transition in writing, you need to understand that it is the simplest version of special sentences. There are several key purposes for using it between paragraphs:

  • to allow for a logical continuation of the topic;
  • allow the reader to anticipate the further development of the topic;
  • to improve comprehension and reinforce the information in the previous paragraph.

All these provide an opportunity to help your audience understand your train of thought and correctly recognize the hints to continue. Try to use one or two words that work perfectly. Often these transitions can be located at the end of the first paragraph or in the very introduction of the next. In this case, you connect the two, allowing readers to delve deeper into the topic.

Transitioning to a New Section 

In this case, the transition statements will recall key information in the past section and use it correctly in the new one. More often than not, such connections will be necessary for you in highly voluminous works, which can easily confuse the reader. This way, the audience will not get lost in the vastness of the text, will be able to remember the previous information, and understand its value in the new section. It is best to show such text fragments to the supervisor before handing them in because novice students sometimes make a few mistakes in composing such sentences.

Remember, first of all, that the examples of transition should not be too voluminous and extensive. It is best to fit into a minimum number of words, allowing the reader to understand what will be discussed. Be sure to emphasize only the important places the audience needs to read the new section. In this case, your essay will look coherent and read without unnecessary problems.

Transitions within a Paragraph

Students often underestimate the necessity of transition within a paragraph, although it is an essential element of a properly written essay. All thanks to the ability to make the following text more accessible and understandable. You should allow your readers to anticipate your thoughts so that they remain interested and understand the essence of your position. Present the text in the form of a line, and such transitions will be some dashes with a hint so that the listener always knows precisely what he has read before.

A cartoon character types on a typewriter

Using Transition Words and Phrases: Examples and Applications for Smooth Transitions

It is essential to understand that transition sentences in an essay are your opportunity to improve the readers’ understanding of your scholarly text significantly. Thanks to this, the essay will become much more interesting and logical, and the audience itself will be able to come to the necessary conclusions and reactions with less effort. It is worth using special transitions, which, more often than not, consist of a single sentence or a whole paragraph.

Doing this, you smoothly move your thoughts forward and develop the topic in-depth, discussing all aspects. The best way to improve your writing is to use the last sentence of the first paragraph or the first sentence of the second paragraph. This way, readers will have a certain reading pattern and are guaranteed not to get confused by the information. This is especially true for those students who now have to work with lengthy research papers.

You should also use word connectors for essays to create a clear structure in your work that the teacher and your audience will appreciate. It is worthwhile in this case to try to understand the main advantages of this writing format:

  • sentences connector allow you to combine several concepts and lead your thought and argument from one to the next. Such seamless transitions allow you to explore aspects of one thesis and move on to the second. It will also allow you to use transitions from broader to narrower topics and vice versa effectively;
  • your research paper will become several times more dynamic and begin to attract the audience with its structure. Transitions between paragraphs move the narrative forward while keeping readers focused. You always win when the audience does not forget about your arguments and the information conveyed earlier.
  • the readability of your text will significantly increase. All thanks to a high understanding of your thought progression in readers. Everyone will understand where you began your narrative and where you want to arrive. You will also allow the audience not to forget the aforementioned essential aspects. In bad works, it only works in the closing paragraphs, but in yours, it can simultaneously work in all the paragraphs!

Remember that all connectors sentences allow you to make your work less cliffy and dry. This gives you a wide variety of additional techniques while you are writing and allows you to keep anyone from getting bored. Try to always think about how readers will perceive your work, which means keeping a constant line of communication in mind. Eventually, you’ll get better and better at using such transitions.

Printing an essay on a typewriter

What are the Logical Connectors

Most sentence connectors words are necessary to develop your thought and compensate for gaps actively. Readers can follow your narrative and the development of specific ideas in the text without any problems. The logical connectors are words that allow you to combine several sentences, paragraphs, and sections. The easiest way to imagine them by category:

  • contrasting. Such sentences are used to create a contrast between several events, evidence, and objects. Thanks to such words, it is possible to compose more complex sentences, to tell about two sides of the coin at once;
  • result. The most popular option to express the consequences of actions. Thanks to it, it is possible to explain in simple language how the manifestation of one event led to a certain result in the future or the past. Most often, such connectors are considered informal;
  • complement. In this case, connectors will work for the integrity of your story and thus add information to the existing facts. This is the second thought in one sentence, which complements the first. Thanks to this, you can tell that a person likes rice but also likes pasta;
  • cause and purpose.It is best to use transition in a sentence to show a logical connection between two events. The occurrence of one situation led to a certain outcome. You explain how because of one person’s actions affect their final goal or another outcome.

There are a large number of other connectors that will also work for results and provide your work with clear meaning. However, you should avoid using academic and informal connectors, which are worse than conventional ones for your audience. Any unnecessary connectives in your sentences will lead to worse readability and thus will make the work more difficult to perceive and give several new challenges to the readers. In what follows, we’ll give you some examples of popular connectors.

All sentence connectors examples are essential for building your scholarly work in a logical plane, where the audience will not need any extra effort to understand what you are talking about. Thanks to this, you can also use such words to combine English sentences. In this way, you better disclose the topic and give more in-depth information about a particular event. Express your thoughts as accurately as possible, thereby not distorting your narrative and claiming maximum marks for such a competent essay.

As you already know, a transition used in a sentence is most often used at the beginning or end of a paragraph, depending on its sequence. That said, there are also both simple and complex connectors. These include:

  • simple. And, but, or;
  • compound. However, although, except, subsequently, should, therefore.

All of them are also used to convey additional information to readers. This allows you to speak more accurately about a topic and touch on certain aspects of your scholarly work.

Logical Connectors Examples

Here are some clear examples to help you understand connective constructions. This will allow you to build the right sentences in your research papers and give you more points from your supervisor. Remember that properly constructed speech in the essay is a pledge of respect from and to the audience.

Direction Connection Phrase transition
Time as, as soon as, since, until, when, whenever afterward, after all, in the past, lastly, now, before, recently, soon
Addendum the one, who, what, whoever, how many, whatever, why as a matter of fact, by the way, it is equally important, first of all, also, in addition
Reason because, in order to, since considering all the circumstances, because of this, for this reason, because
Exception other than except for, barring, excepting
Cause and effect so it follows, therefore, because respectively, as a result, therefore, as a consequence, thus
Status if, while, if only, subject to, be because, it could be
Comparison just like, so in the same way, again, thus, in a comparison, conventionally speaking
Brief conclusion and table of contents first of all, as has been demonstrated, briefly, in summary, concluding all of the foregoing, summarizing

Try using essay sentence connectors in your research papers now to get your audience and instructor’s full approval. This is a great chance to add logic to your materials and allow your readers to navigate the text many times better. You’ll learn how to use them much faster than you think!

Writing an International Relations Essay: Tips for Success

July 11th, 2023

Writing a research paper on such topics is difficult for university students and experienced political scientists. Many factors must be considered, relationships between countries must be analyzed, and the most critical information must be selected from dozens of sources.

An essay about political situation in the world consists of several components. These are obligatory elements of the structure, thanks to which the audience will highly appreciate the research paper.

Cover to the article: Writing an International Relations Essay

Strategies for Gathering Relevant and Reliable Sources

When writing a research paper, you should operate with facts and real evidence and not use your speculation. Having chosen an international relations topic, it is necessary to proceed to the selection of reliable and verified sources of information.

This process is not always easy. Because with a deep dive into the research, there is a risk of spending too much time on things that are not the most important.

At the very beginning, all the project stages should be thought through. The very important is the introduction. It should interest the reader from the first seconds. It contains the following information:

  • the theme of the essay and the rationale for its relevance in today’s world. It is necessary to consider the factor of globalization and interaction between states. The closer the topic is to real life, the more exciting and valuable it is;
  • justification of choice. You need to make the strongest arguments about why your international relation essay is worthy of attention. This does not mean you can’t write about events from the past. But ideally, it is worth linking them to the current political situation in the world;

The next component is the source data block, which has these features:

  • providing background information on a particular event, a brief overview of the historical context;
  • presentation of all parties involved in the political processes in question;
  • an overview of the theoretical framework will be used to examine the topic further. Studying current trends in international relations beforehand is worthwhile so that when writing politics topics essay, you can operate with current information.

It is worth noting that the continuation of this publication will examine each of the components in detail. The following structural element is the block of argumentation and analysis. It should disclose the following aspects:

  • providing solid arguments that support the previously stated central thesis of the publication;
  • using real-life examples that demonstrate the validity of your claims. The depth of your analysis is a direct indication of how well-versed you are in your chosen topic;
  • compare the opposing sides, their interests, and political, economic, and social dynamics.

For a total consideration of all possible issues in international relations, you should evaluate alternative viewpoints rather than presenting your position exclusively.

Writing an International Relations Essay: photo 1

Be sure to use several sources of information. This will increase the credibility of your text and indicate the depth of your analysis of the topic. Study real documents and transcripts of speeches of politicians. And after that, pay attention to secondary sources. This approach ensures that the research paper will be argumentative and objective, as different points of view will be considered.

You should also be critical of the resources you use and assess their credibility. Reading the authors’ brief biography is advisable to understand their position and interest.

Provide a list of counterarguments that could refute your evidence for the thesis statement. Carefully analyze their potential impact on the events in question.

An essential component of an essay on international relations is a concluding section. It contains the following elements:

  • summarize all the material presented. It is necessary to select the most valuable points of the publication concerning the central thesis, argumentation, and analysis;
  • suggesting ways of solving the problem. The topic may be relevant and require further scientific discussion. Make a list of issues that should be considered in the future to investigate the topic more deeply;
  • on a separate page, publish a list of all the sources used in writing the essay. These can be books, documentaries, and copies of current international treaties.

Pay attention to validation. All quotations must be accurate. Paraphrasing is allowed only if the context is maintained.

The above components are generally accepted. However, much depends not only on the chosen topic but also on the supervisor’s preferences. Before you start writing, you should have a good understanding of what is politics essay and consult with your teacher. This will save a lot of time in the future and avoid possible mistakes.

It is necessary to carefully plan all actions at this stage, to introduce a limit on the number of sources. For example, there can be no more than ten. Remember that after collecting information, you will still have to analyze all the data to consider different points of view.

All resources related to political science can be divided into primary and secondary. Already from the names, it is clear that the primary sources provide us with first-hand information. They include books by various authors, research papers, and historical documents.

Secondary sources take primary data as a basis, analyze it and interpret it. As a result, the information can be partially changed and presented under a different angle of perception. Prominent examples of such resources are newspaper articles, scientific reviews, and documentaries.

When writing international relations essays, you should not trust the words spoken in an interview by someone far from understanding the political situation. You definitely should not use the opinion of your neighbor or even your best friend as a source.

First, you should make a list of resources where you can find answers to your questions. Let this list be no more than twenty items. After more in-depth consideration of the topic, their number will be reduced by at least half.

The following table will consider essential recommendations for selecting reliable sources.

Advice Application
Use popular magazines and newspapers Choose at least five reputable print publications covering critical international events for decades. Look for relevant publications, pay attention to their authors, and then look for similar content.
Use academic databases Many free resources on the Internet provide access to an extensive database of scientific publications on political topics. One of the most valuable sources is Google Scholar.
Find themed books Such works are often written by professors who head the international relations department in any reputable university. You can also find the books you need in the libraries of educational institutions in your city. And if you have online access, finding the publication you need on the Internet won’t be too difficult.
Visit the websites of governmental and international organizations You can find much relevant information and valuable documents, which will become a reliable primary source. The most important thing is to check the reliability of the resource and the publication’s author, as it is not uncommon for erroneous data to be published on such pages.
Study the reports of think tanks and research institutes. Often, such organizations publish monthly reports with reports on international relations. You may find something valuable for your essay.

It is essential to evaluate each resource you find critically. If it is a secondary source, check the primary information. You need to consider the authority of the authors, journals, and websites you use to search for data.

Your international relations topics essay may just be gathering dust in your teacher’s locker, who won’t even bother to read it. But if the research paper ends up in the right hands and is written correctly, it can be an essential step for self-development and improving skills.

Writing an International Relations Essay: photo 2

Analyzing and Addressing Diverse Viewpoints

After selecting sources of information, you should move on to the next writing stage. It is necessary to explore different points of view, to make a comprehensive analysis as if you are defending the interests of each party involved in the event in question.

If you want to know how to write an international relations essay, please pay special attention to this part of the research paper. Here are the fundamental strategies you can use for analysis:

  • make a list of all possible points of view. Then examine the theoretical framework that can be used to support it;
  • evaluate bias. You need to evaluate viewpoints in context. Because economic, social, and other factors may influence the opinion of the author of the publication, which will affect the objectivity of the inference;
  • compare all arguments. Find commonalities, significant differences, and reasons for disagreement among the parties involved in international relations;
  • maintain a balance. By no means accept someone else’s point of view when writing essays on international relations. It is worth keeping the golden mean, considering only credible arguments and discarding all false facts and speculations;
  • take into account the counterarguments of each side. Criticize each argument, and try to understand it. Such opinions can be used in a research paper if they are valid. Otherwise, weak arguments should be discarded, and don’t waste time on them;
  • use critical thinking. There is no need to believe other people’s statements mindlessly. Try to assess the pros and cons of each argument, find all the contradictory points, and determine the cause-effect relationship. If there are any weaknesses in the evidence of the parties, you must also take them into account;
  • group points of view. You should combine several similar arguments. This will allow a more comprehensive study and save a lot of time. To do this, you need to find all the points of convergence, providing relevant facts and evidence in the paper;
  • be sure to consider possible ethical implications. Each opinion may be relevant to human equality and social justice issues. Some of the approaches contradict moral and ethical principles. It is worth refraining from using such viewpoints in your research.

At this unit’s end, publish conclusions addressing the impact of different perspectives on international relations. Talk about all the possible implications, attaching the evidence from the analysis.

Utilizing Real-Life Examples

Use several examples in a realism international relations essay to clarify your chosen topic and give readers more relevant information. The following recommendations will help you choose the best options to improve the quality of your research paper:

  • select at least three real-life examples directly related to the events in question. Ideally, use up-to-date information related to the impact of various factors on international relations;
  • consider the experiences of different regions to emphasize the global nature of the processes. You can talk about essential negotiation processes and decision-making that had a significant impact on the international situation;
  • analyze the consequences of the actions of governmental and non-governmental organizations to understand the extent of their impact on the global community;
  • identify all participants in the events in question and point out their role in the context of the essay topic;
  • describe the negotiation processes and the debates between politicians and diplomats. Assess the consequences of the decisions made;
  • use statistics, survey results, and other numerical information in a graphical representation. Readers much better understand charts and other visual evidence and indicate a high degree of professionalism in the study of the topic;
  • combine the theoretical basis of the essay with real-life examples to show a clear connection between the arguments presented and historical events.

Using real-life examples will make the text more concrete, detailed, and understandable to teachers or supervisors.

Writing an International Relations Essay: photo 3

Considering Policy Implications

No one would argue with the assertion that politics has a significant impact on international relations. Therefore, it is recommended that the essay focus on such aspects:

  • power dynamics. Show how political power has changed within a country and international organizations. Analyze the consequences of such changes;
  • the diplomatic component. It is also essential to consider the outcome of negotiations and the results of agreements signed between countries and blocs. It is also essential to consider the strategic interests of each party involved in the diplomatic process;
  • the influence of political ideology. Today, most countries profess liberalism. But some states use conservative ideologies that do not consider the protection of human rights. All this has an impact on the global situation;
  • national interests. Considering this topic will make it possible to understand why politicians make certain decisions, what considerations they are guided by, and what consequences they may lead to.

Examining this critical topic in a liberalism international relations essay ensures a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between politics and global things. This analysis helps to make sense of the motivations, interests, and power dynamics that shape the outcomes of various political interactions.

Editing, Proofreading, and Ensuring Clarity

Since a high grade or career advancement may depend on the results of the academic paper, special attention should be paid to the final correction of the text.

It is necessary to reread the essay several times. This should be done on different days to make the evaluation more objective. Some parts of the text seem too challenging to grasp. Try to clarify such places by removing unnecessary sentences and adding more practical examples and statistical data.

Pay attention to proper attribution when writing an academic paper. If citations are used, you should create a separate page at the end of the paper with all sources, authors, and page numbers in MLA format.

Engaging and Current International Relations Paper Topics

Choosing an interesting topic can be quite a challenge. It is recommended to consult with the supervisor, who can provide a list of international relation topics. Preference should be given to current events to avoid spending too much time searching for sources. The following table presents fascinating options that may help you choose a topic.

Topic 1 Topic 2
Why China’s economic development benefits the United States. The role of artificial intelligence in shaping new political ideologies.
The Global Migration Crisis: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions to Related Problems. How Climate Change Affects International Security.
The emergence of populism and its destructive effect on the existing world order. Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: Assessing Current Threats and Prospects for International Security.
The geopolitical ambitions of the Republic of China and their impact on the favorable climate in international relations. The role of terrorist organizations and transnational corporations in shaping an insecure global environment.

You can also find many international relations essay examples online that will help you figure out the proper structure and be a source of exciting ideas. The main thing is to choose relevant topics that will be useful to readers and will not be problematic in finding sources of information. Remember you can always get instant ‘write my paper for me‘ assistance at our website

MLA Format Citation: Rules, Examples, and Best Practices

July 11th, 2023

Researchers and students at institutions of higher learning very often publish their research papers and essays, which must be formatted accordingly.
The format developed by the Modern Language Association over sixty years ago is generally accepted. It is a set of standards for manuscript formatting that emphasizes the value of the information presented and avoids unfounded accusations of plagiarism.

Cover to the article

An Overview of MLA Format Citation Purpose and Importance

MLA format is helpful for teachers and students, writers and publicists who want to enhance their credibility. To use this style, several strict rules must be followed concerning the type of paper and the particular structure of the narrative.

Beforehand, you should familiarize yourself with essential concepts and examples of citations to avoid possible formatting errors. Below, we will consider the main rules you should adhere to on a mandatory basis. Following them will allow you to format your essay correctly, with sources of information, footers, and other structural elements.

MLA Format Citation Rules and Core Components

Several years ago, the ninth edition of a reference guide was published, providing updated standards for documents and citations. This guide will help format small texts and major scholarly papers.

Essays in MLA format can use several ways to integrate content from different resources:

  • direct quotation. The author’s name in parentheses must be included at the end of the fragment. The page number should also be referenced, if possible;
  • paraphrasing. If a modified formulation of a sentence or paragraph is used, the author’s last name should be mentioned, and all page numbers from his work should be listed in parentheses, separated by commas;
  • signal phrase. The reader should first be led to the quotation using an introductory sentence. It should be sure to identify the author of the statement. And immediately after the quotation, the section or page number of the source should be published.

Special mention should be made of the MLA citation rule for large portions of text with more than four lines. The main requirements are listed in the following table:

Topic 1 Topic 2
An introductory phrase that ends with a colon is always used before the quotation. The quoted text is visually separated from the rest of the content by indents. The top and bottom margins are one inch.
The citation in essay does not use quotation marks at the beginning or end of the text. The source’s name, the author’s surname, and other qualifying information are placed inside parentheses after the quotation.

Rules of MLA format involve using standard components arranged in a certain order. Next, let’s look at the main structural elements:

  1. Author. This block is required, with the first and last names separated by commas. If the source of the information is a website or corporate publication, the name of the resource or company should be specified. One of the following sections will show a few detailed examples of using the main varieties of this component.
  2. Source name. When formatting is used, slanted writing, so-called italics, if a phrase from a major scholarly work is cited, the section number should be given. If the source is a statement of a singer or artist speaking on stage or in a feature film, the name must be taken in quotation marks.
  3. Container Title. A prime example is an article in a magazine. If you need to refer to the text from such a publication, you can specify from which period the phrase is taken. Such a component is highlighted in bold and slanted writing immediately after the article’s title. Below we will consider illustrative examples of the use of such a format.
  4. Editors and translators. An optional part of citation in essay. But if a book translated into another language is used, the author’s phrases do not always match the original. The translator’s first and last name should be given to avoid misinterpretation and possible embarrassment. The same applies to the editing of primary materials.
  5. A version of the publication. Some books may be republished several times, supplemented with current information. So that readers can find the desired source more quickly, the publication number should be given. This is one of the most essential MLA rules for citations. It is essential for magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals with many issues.
  6. Publisher. It depends on the type of source. You can cite the director, producer, and studio if it’s a movie or TV series. If the phrase is taken from a popular song, then in addition to the performer and author of the text, the name of the music label can also be included. Also, publishers are often government organizations. In such cases, they should be formatted using a standard font and listed separately by commas.
  7. Date of publication. It is indicated after the author’s name and the source’s title. If available, the exact date should be used. Otherwise, an approximate or simple year, mentioning a decade, the first or second half of the century, will do. You can omit this data if there is no information about when the book was written. No additional abbreviations or clarifications should be used.
  8. Location. According to this MLA format rule, you should provide a link to the web page from which the information for the quote is taken. It is also relevant if you want to refer to the words of an artist who performed in a particular theater in a particular city.

It is worth noting that not all of the listed components are mandatory when citing. But their use provides the following advantages:

  • a high index of informativeness. Readers will not have to spend a lot of time searching for an actual source when needed;
  • the credibility of the publication. By referring to third-party resources, the author shows his competence, designation, and interest in the topic;
  • support for generally accepted standards. Using the rules outlined in the MLA citation guide underscores the desire to do better and move up the career ladder.

This section has covered theoretical information that may not seem clear to everyone. But examples are available in one of the following parts of this overview to help you better understand the subject.

In-Text Citations in MLA Format

The placement of citations in academic publications, theses, and dissertations is critical. It is a confirmation of the facts and arguments presented in the text. The Bibliographic format MLA has been improved and used in the citation for over seventy years. This set of standards specifies the layout of the appropriate blocks within the essay and allows for proper formatting of the page listing the materials used.

MLA Format Citation photo 1

The following are some essential guidelines to follow for citations that follow MLA formatting rules:

  • if the primary source has only one author, the author’s last name is given after the quotation, and the page number is placed after the comma. For example, (Dawson, 567);
  • if there is more than one author, all of them must be cited. The exact order must be followed as in the source. For example, (Stevenson and Hopkins, 456). In a situation where there are more than three surnames, an abbreviated formatted version may be used (Jacobs et al. 175);
  • in some cases, the author’s name is unknown. Then the book’s title or article should be mentioned, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, (“A very useful publication” 145);
  • it is permissible to use a page range if necessary. The formatting, however, will differ from the methods previously discussed (Draxler pp. 45-47);
  • if a particular organization creates the source, its name is necessarily listed as the author (Statute of the Interplanetary Dolphin Rights Organization 178);
  • how cite in MLA format if the information is taken from a web resource? A direct link to the page, the author’s name, and the title of the publication in parentheses after the citation must be provided;
  • if it is necessary to cite someone who refers to a third source, the indirect approach is used. In this case, the author’s surname is indicated at the end of the line, before which an additional prefix construction is placed. For example, (qtd. in Jacobson 56).

Proper formatting by MLA format guideline ensures that readers will not be confused by the topic and will be able to find the right source confirming the research results. This will increase the credibility and authority of the publication’s author in the scholarly community’s eyes.

MLA Format Citation photo 1

Examples of MLA Format Citations

To better understand the topic, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the different options for correctly formatting quotations according to MLA format. It is worth noting that this approach is most common in the humanities. It is often used to create essays, theses on literature, and art history.

The following table will review the current examples of MLA works cited page, corresponding to the recommendations of the ninth edition of the manual. Note that in the third column, the parentheses at the beginning and end of the component block are omitted for convenience.

Type of source Possible Options Type of source
Type of source One author Hopkins, John. Island of Freedom. Enlightenment, 1997.
Two authors Jenkins, Stephen and Mary Wable. Raising a Happy Cat. Publishers, 2015.
Three or more authors Grubber, Craig, et al. Flying Penguin. Sunderland, 2022.
Electronic book Drake, Jeremy. Singing in the Gooseberry. Libertadores, 1968.
Magazine or newspaper Print edition Kim, Dong-Wook. “Learning to Create Beautiful Websites.” Smart People Magazine, Issue 9, 1996, pp. 16-23
Online Resource Johnson, Morris. “The Right Perception of the Modern World.” Science and Life, vol. 12, 2009, pp. 45-52, https://journal-science-and-life/post-123
Website Specific page Kelso, Riley. “Where do legs come from?”, Apples Inc., July 22, 2015,
Entire website, Beef Inc., March 20 2023,
Video Film Stephen Almighty. Directed by Mark Kruel. Featuring Steve Gates, Bill Jobs, and Monica Evans. Parapicures, 1999
The Series “When the Sky Falls.” Lost, created by Jack Stryker, performance by Katy Dawson, season 2, episode 10, Kitten Sisters, 2014.
Streaming video IT Technik. “How to delete a social media account.” YouTube, January 21, 2020,
Interview Personal communication Paxton, Dakota. Dangerous connections on the Internet. January 16, 2016. Personal or telephone interview.
Published online Paxton, Dakota. Dangerous connections on the Internet. Best Interviewer Youtube Channel, January 16, 2016,

Here is another practical MLA citation example in essay. If you need to cite a publication on a popular social network, you can use the following template:

Lawrence Lewandowski. Why birds fly away to warmer climes. Twitter, 09 May 2023, 9:13 a.m.,

Instead of the author’s name, you can include the account’s name. After that, add a brief overview of the publication or the title, if there is one.

By the way, if there is no information about the author, only the book’s title or article should be given. Sometimes sites list an anonymous user as the author. In this case, ” Anonymous ” is recommended when citing. But it is not obligatory.

Note that MLA title rules vary depending on the type of source. In some cases, they are placed inside quotation marks and slanted. But it is better to refer to the official guide, which lists all the current design standards, for clarification.

Once again, citation in the text emphasizes respect for the author of the original content and avoids plagiarism, which is the most critical aspect of academic writing.

MLA Format Citation photo 1

Best Practices for Citing MLA

Different citation options may be used depending on the publication topic, the institution, and other criteria. Although MLA format citation rules are strict, it is sometimes allowed to violate them. You should check with your supervisor what requirements you must adhere to when formatting your research paper. They may differ from the generally accepted rules on how to cite an article in an essay MLA.

Next, let’s take a look at the best writing practices used by reputable members of the academic community:

  • carefully study the MLA Handbook. Detailed instructions are available for formatting not only citations but also the text as a whole;
  • citations should be done as the research work progresses. This process should not be delayed so as not to get confused when citing the correct sources;
  • provide as much available information as possible. Include the author, the title of the book, the article on the website, page numbers, and other data that may be helpful to readers;
  • use special online tools that automatically generate text with the correct sources in MLA format. This will save a lot of time and avoid possible mistakes. But do not forget to check the version of the standard used by such services to get correct results;
  • use signal expressions. They smoothly lead the reader to the quoted phrase and should necessarily include a mention of the author. For example, In his new book, Adam Johnson states that “all celestial bodies move along a certain trajectory and are gradually approaching a black hole” (125);
  • don’t forget to cite digital sources. The list at the end of the research paper should contain links to web pages of information sites, streaming services, and electronic libraries if such content is mentioned in the text;
  • adhere to a unified style. If a specific type of design was initially chosen by MLA rules for numbers, it should be observed throughout the work. Mixing different styles can indicate either inattention or a lack of professionalism.

Also, don’t forget about the page with the works cited list. They should be arranged in alphabetical order, taking into account the surname of the author. If this information is not available, the title of the publication should be used. At the same time, articles are not considered in the formation of the list. “The King of Liars” is considered to begin with a “K,” not a “T.”

If a number is used in the title of a book or article, it should be written in words. For example, “Five Ways to Survive the Forest” should be written as “Five Ways.”

There are many MLA examples of annotated bibliography on the official website the format, which will help you better understand the topic. Not only is the content significant but having indents of a given size also improves the visual perception of the information.

Follow these simple guidelines, and your MLA citations will meet high academic standards. Correctly citing sources not only increases the credibility of your work but is also an acknowledgment of the intellectual significance of other authors.

What is a Persuasive Speech: Exploring the Goal of Influencing Audience 

July 10th, 2023

In most cases, persuasive speech about is characterized by the need for the speaker or author to persuade readers or listeners to believe in a particular point of view or do something. This writing style is extremely common and often found in various scholarly writings. It is common in political debates, professional talks, presentations, or courts. In time, you will be able to influence your audience more strongly, but in the meantime, here’s how to choose the right topic and achieve maximum effect.

Cover to the article

Choosing a Compelling Topic

Before choosing appropriate topics for persuasive speeches, it is necessary to understand the essential elements of such a writing format. It is necessary not to forget about the critical purpose of such speeches, namely to get the audience to accept a particular point of view or even to take action, for example, to buy a house. There are three primary forms of rhetoric that you need to know to build a suitable concept for your persuasive speech:

  • Ethos. This is the name for the speaker’s credibility, precisely what you need to create, develop, and reinforce. You need to prove to your listeners that you are an expert on the topic and that your arguments can be listened to. If you ignore this aspect, the audience will lose interest;
  • Pathos. This aspect speaks to the ability of the author or speaker to appeal to the emotions of the readers or listeners. You need to learn how to balance emotional speech with logical arguments. You must use feelings of compassion, fear, hope, and everything else to your advantage. This will help you build a direct rapport with your audience and make it easier to convince them further that you are right;
  • Logos. The last element is logical persuasion, necessary to convince the audience. You must use facts and arguments to double-check and know you are right. You must prove to the audience why this is true and how to deal with this information. More often than not, this is how to write a persuasive speech.

This will make your outline persuasive speech several times more attractive and working. The main thing is not to forget about each of the elements and try to combine them competently, which will allow you to deal effectively and quickly enough with the needs of your audience. Your task is not to make the smartest report in the world, but to try to convince them in the language of your listeners of the need to do what you say. That’s what is persuasive speech.

You should also not forget the possibility of using additional signals during your speech. For example, it could be hand signals, a specific tone, or confidence in his words. All of this allows you to grab attention and then direct it in the right direction and give the correct answer to the problem from your point of view. You should also be sufficiently prepared for the fact that there may be some questions or counterarguments. Prepare your answers in advance, which means learning all viewpoints and how to defeat them.

We give you a table of good speech persuasive topics that are great for your report, presentation, or speech.

Should we start moving factories back to U.S. territory? Same-sex colleges. Relics of the past or still relevant? Which disciplines in school could be replaced by more useful ones: financial management, investment, tax payment Best Practices for Sex Education
Why the disciplines of art and music should be taught in high school How well do modern colleges meet the demands of the Internet age How exotic animals can become a pet How fairly grades affect children’s self-esteem
Cars: Should we ban driving on gasoline The cost of college: was the threshold set too high? Kindergarten or home care for young children Is it worth lying to children about Santa Claus?
How much hunting meets modern standards of humanism How much should each individual go to college? The most beneficial parenting styles for parents Religious communities: advantages and disadvantages of belonging
Why All Zoos Should Be Closed Teen suicide: how much do movies encourage or prevent it As far as judges can be objective in the decisions made Why medicine should be free and who would benefit most from it

It should be taken into account that your speech outline persuasive, for the most part, based on the chosen topic, which means that this case must be approached responsibly. You should fully understand the topic to rely on the knowledge to answer questions from the audience. It would be good to know the topic even before writing the essay. In this case, you will have a much better chance of defending your position with dignity and convincing your listeners of its correctness.

It is worth paying as much attention as possible to constructing your speech so that every person can quickly agree with you and take your side in the end. And for this, you’ll need a responsible approach to selecting appropriate topics, which can be exciting or provocative. Try not to go too far with the uniqueness of story because in front of you is still the goal to convince everyone present of your rightness. You must speak their language and tailor your arguments to their beliefs.

Steps to Writing a Persuasive Speech

Your a persuasive speech outline will only be imposing if you prioritize your work correctly and progress gradually. Listeners can understand your thoughts correctly, quickly agree, and consolidate the information through arguments and facts. It is necessary to think, in this case, first of all, about the listeners so that they can convey their thoughts as effectively as possible. Otherwise, your work will not make sense, even if written in sophisticated terms and correctly worded.

What is a Persuasive Speech: photo 1

A good outline for a persuasive speech is also constructed in a certain way that helps you work with the information correctly. You should follow 7 practical steps that are sure to help you write the right persuasive ideas for speeches:

  1. Research the topic of your narrative expertly. Any student can choose persuasive speech topics that are funny to create an interesting persuasive report, but you need to be an expert on your topic anyway. You must be extremely careful to analyze your chosen topics and the polemics of the various camps. It is also essential to find the counterarguments because you must deal with them by accepting the other side’s point of view. The easiest way to find public opinion is through various articles, social polls, discussions, and podcasts.
  2. Formulate a competent goal. You need to formulate a clear purpose for your speech before you even begin writing the main body of your paper. You must convince someone of something or inform them about the problem and the right point of view. Building your argument and formulating a tight structure based on your goals will be much easier. Remember to explain the importance of specific arguments so each person can understand you correctly.
  3. Get to know your listeners better. A good example outline for persuasive speech will always be distinguished by the fact that the author is well acquainted with all the features of his audience. Because of this, you can influence it more effectively to correctly arrange the arguments that will work for this target group of people. It is also worth avoiding various slang expressions or too heavy terminology. You should be understood and have no problem agreeing with your point of view.
  4. Choose an approach. All the elements we’ve presented are essential, but you can choose one particular one to build your speech around. It all depends on the study of your audience because, in some cases, it will be more appropriate to use logos and, in others, pathos. Try to balance all the elements intelligently to create the most potent line of speech possible and convince any audience that you are right. The broader the audience, the more difficult it will be to work only through your credibility as an expert.
  5. Organize the information. You need a clear outline with your entire speech plan to help you avoid confusion during your presentation and get everything right. Focus on arranging information and throwing out unnecessary arguments as much as possible. Just categorize all the data into several categories and cut out what you think will be so much of a stretch. The more concise you are, the greater the chance the audience won’t lose interest in the issue. This is especially important if the people in front of whom you are going to speak are not initially interested in the issue.
  6. Write a strong introduction. Your persuasive speech format outline needs the most powerful introduction, which should convince you of your rightness from the first words and allow the maximum amount of information to use during the narrative. These first minutes are most important because the audience is ready to listen to you and wants to get some hooks. You can even get ahead of the curve and make some spoilers to get attention. Individual speakers like to tell a little fun fact in the beginning that will help evoke the first emotion in the audience.
  7. Provide evidence. In any case, you will need convincing evidence and arguments that you can easily verify. One only pathos to make a good speech will not work, so it is worth using as many facts and information from known sources. Tell the audience why and how you reached a particular conclusion more often. You can also talk about sources if they have sufficient authority among your audience. This will help build a competent line of speech and convince readers or listeners.

And don’t forget to conclude by writing a persuasive speech with a mandatory call to action. This is mandatory for your speech because it’s the only way to push your audience to the right conclusion. Think about this step even harder than the others because this is the goal of your research paper.

Such an action can be signing a petition, voting for a certain product or candidate, or changing your worldview. It all depends on the nature of your speech and your work in general. However, you should not forget about it because otherwise, the audience will listen to your entire speech and, after that, will be left with nothing.

What is a Persuasive Speech: photo 2

Effective Strategies for Writing a Persuasive Speech

A decent persuasive speech outline example will always contain a few clear points, which will be the basis of your essay. Experts in the field of writing such scholarly materials have told you some valuable tips that will help you build the right strategy for writing:

  1. Write briefly, clearly, and as you speak. This simple advice will help you avoid confusion when presenting your work further. Try to be precise and clear, don’t confuse your audience, and always watch the reaction. This point is critical if you plan to tell your work aloud.
  2. Give examples and stories. The moment a person understands another person best is when an appropriate example is given. This allows you to reflect on your thoughts in other situations and show how right you are. Try not to abuse this technique, but incorporate stories into your narrative.
  3. Get the structure right. You must not confuse your work and prescribe each structure element in advance. This will be the main writing a speech help for you because you can be convincing thanks to this approach. Line up the logical arguments one by one and connect them. By doing this a few times, you will be able to convince people;
  4. Be honest. Do not try to sugarcoat certain facts or tell lies because it will lead to your defeat. All it takes is one person somewhat immersed in the subject to tell that opinion to everyone. Be honest and truthful, and remember to double-check the arguments you use while writing your paper.
  5. Think about the outcome. Your goal is to get a person to believe you or take a certain action. Don’t forget this simple rule when you follow the steps to writing a persuasive speech. You will get the right reaction at the end, so imagine yourself in the audience’s shoes and adjust to that.

What is a Persuasive Speech: photo 3

More often than not, the format for persuasive speech involves convincing the entire audience that you are right, which means you need to be highly responsible when writing your speech. This allows you to influence the audience and get the expected reaction. You should also approach your work responsibly because when you read it later, otherwise various mishaps may arise.

You should also be prepared to be evaluated by your supervisor because only they can give you a relevant writing a speech example. Learning more about your future speech’s specifics is worth getting the correct information. Be sure to consider the need to be flexible in your arguments for the desired outcome. Be a confident and tough person.

Working extra on your ability to deliver a persuasive speech throughout your narrative is worth extra. Try:

  • be confident and spell out all the main points of your speech;
  • not be shy of questions and be ready to answer them;
  • know the other side’s position and be able to give the right counterarguments.

Such simple rules will help you save a lot of time on excitement, speak confidently in front of an audience, and answer the question of how to start writing a persuasive speech.

Expert Advice for Writing an Impactful Speech

Here are two helpful tips from experts who have already created several persuasive speeches that work. The steps for writing a speech may be completely different, but these tips are universal enough to help you. Here they are:

  • find something in common with your audience. Writing persuasive speech is about finding the right common ground with your audience. This will make it much easier for you to get their recognition, respect, and attention. That is why experts recommend explaining to people how they will benefit from listening to your opinion. This is the easiest option if others, but it is, in any case, an essential point of your academic work;
  • practice your speech in advance. Even the right topics to write persuasive speeches on will not help you persuade people if you are not prepared to persuade them. Try to practice as many times as you can before you speak. Tell your speech to friends and family, and have them comment or point out illogical points. All this will help you stay confident and position yourself correctly. You should be an expert, so your competence should not be doubted.

With such simple guidelines, all types of persuasive speeches will become much more believable and exciting to the audience. It is necessary not to forget that you are working for these very people, which means you need to get an individual reaction from everyone. This will help you build your speech correctly, considering all the individual characteristics of each individual in the audience.

At the same time, experts recommend applying these tips in writing a speech, considering that you can not take too narrow an audience category. It’s enough to determine specific characteristics:

  • age of the audience, gender;
  • hobbies and interests;
  • views on the problem being discussed;
  • possible counterarguments;
  • how your issue affects these people.

Considering all these features, you can properly apply the tips for writing a persuasive speech and building a sufficiently trusting relationship with your audience. Try to apply the tips in practice, and you will surely be happy with the result! If you want to save time on writing such a speech, you can turn to the authors of our platform. Choose a reasonable option for yourself and start the project!

Different Types of Psychology Research Papers

July 10th, 2023

Students in psychology departments need to choose the right research topics on psychology to turn in their papers on time and enjoy the writing process. In this regard, it’s hard enough to decide on a topic without experience because you can suddenly get caught up in the long process of creating a suitable structure and complex research from the seventies. This is why we talk about what types of research papers are best to choose and with which approach you won’t run into problems while creating research material.

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Essential Components of a Psychology Paper

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51 Ideas on How to Improve the US Education System

July 7th, 2023

Back in 2014, Pearson released their Learning Curve. This education assessment service gathered the information of The Economist Intelligence Unit, did extensive desk research, and interviewed the world’s education leaders to report each nation’s ability to prepare students for the modern workforce.

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15 College Romance Books to Read on Holidays

December 12th, 2022


What do you think of college romance books?

Please don’t meh them at once, even if you are a big fan of other genres, including non-fiction and essays from famous writers. Romance books for young adults are perfect for reading on holidays when you want to relax and take a break from writing assignments, tests, and exams, don’t you agree?

Below we’ve gathered the 15 best new adult romance books you might check during this holiday season or beyond. Some are romance book series, while others are independent literary works. Choose yours and share your verdict in the comments!

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How to Write a Summary for Essays, Articles, and Books

November 10th, 2022

As you’ve already guessed, today’s blog post is the ultimate guide on how to write a summary for different papers.

Not only will you learn about four academic summary types, their purpose, and their proper formatting, but you’ll also master the art of summary writing step by step and get answers to all the frequently asked questions on the topic.

Here we go! (It won’t take much time, we promise.)


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How to Write a Reflection Paper to Impress the Audience

October 15th, 2022

In today’s article, we’ll tell you exactly how to write a reflection paper.

In fact:

This type of writing is among those most often our writers help with: Students ask to explain the difference between reflection paper types, their structure, and formatting details.

Let’s dive right in.


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How to Write an Annotated Bibliography: Formats, Types, Steps

September 12th, 2022

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to write an annotated bibliography for research papers.

While many students and writers find this process challenging and stressful, an annotated bibliography is not that hard to craft. The trick is to decide on its type and format and follow the steps we reveal here.

Let’s jump into details.


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